CSV viewer object bug 
Author: Anthony B.
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CSV Viewer object.
I have exported a list of aircraft as a csv file, each aircraft has a unique id called "mode s" for an example 400FE2 (base 16 /hex). I have noticed that quite a few of the mode s codes are being interpreted as exponent. I have zipped up a few sample copies of the bugs showing and highlighted them and also a copy of the csv used. Thanks.
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Hello Anthony
You could use a viewer that does not interprete as exponent.
I have an example here : http://eksempelsite.dk/csvtest/flights.html
For a start is comes with an error message - that is caused by some "bad" records in your file.
The bad records will be shown even if they cause an error - you should remove them in the file.
The page can be integrated into X5 via iframe.
I know this does not solve the problem with the X5-viewer - but it could be a solution until
...the X5-viewer - but it could be a solution until the X5-viewer-object is changed.
I made an example where the viewer is integrated :
If you remove all such lines ( 49+50):
And again in 99+100 and 149+150 - and so on, then it will be better - and no error message will be shown.
I removed the bad records, and I adjusted the headline - just to be sure that no error message then would be shown.
Hello John,
Thank you John, Your time is very much appreciated. I presume it's the script in readme.md file? Thanks.
(It > De) ...!... Sie haben das Thema geschlossen; ... um neue Antworten zu erhalten, müssen Sie es erneut öffnen...!...
... der gemeldete Fehler hängt nicht vom CSV VIEWER ab, sondern von einem Fehler in der CSV-Datei, einschließlich des falschen Headers ...
>> siehe Beispiel, und ich füge ein Beispiel einer regulären CSV-Datei hinzu, die in der Größe reduziert ist, aber die Fehler in MODES aufgrund des ursprünglichen Codes beibehält ...