Issue with Cart ![en](
Author: John W.I do not use SagePay, but I have noticed since Feb. 14th when I upgraded to 2019.3.14 that the number of orders
I have recevied dropped dramatically. Two customers actually called and told me that they put items into their
cart multiple times and during checkout, the cart kept saying it was empty even though they could see the items
in the cart. Not sure if my issue it related, but since the timing, and the version upgrade seem to coincide,
can't dismiss that it may be related. My cart does work, I have gotten a few orders. And it works for me.
But one real odd thing I noticed, the Cookies message I have set to display at the bottom of the screen. In the
Google Chrome browser, it was hiding that message behind the taskbar. You could not read or access the button.
I have moved the message to the top of the screen, where I really do not want it. But at least it is visible in Chrome.
And since Chrome is the most popular browser, good idea to cater to Chrome.
I had upgraded from 2019.2.9 to 2019.3.9, is what I believed I saw at first. Now it says 2019.3.14. Hmmm???
Hello John
I've moved your question to a different topic since it doesn't concern SagePay, while the issue the other user is currently experiencing does.
Can you provide a link to your website? Were you able to reproduce this issue with the cart?
Would you like to place the bar in the bottom again so that I might verify why it isn't displaying correctly?
Please keep me posted on all of this here
Thank you
Hi Stefano,
I placed it in a bar at the top, but then I noticed on less wide screens it was covering my logo. Then I discovered
that I could place it in a box and tested a few locations and thus left it in a box in the upper right corner.
This way it is visible and can be closed easily. I changed the button to OKAY also because more people are inclined
to click an okay button. Whether they truely accept or not, whatever the button says, it is still accept.
Some people are still cookie-scared. For quite some time in the US, Cookies were considered evil things and you
had to clear your cache regularly due to cookie build up. Well on slower PC's and those with minimal RAM, I could
see browswer problems occurring. Most machines now do not have the "slow" problem. And 80% of the world
is on their phone anyway.
So I think I have it resolved for now. But in Chrome, it was hiding the banner behind the task bar. It was placing
it to the extreme bottom of the screen, not just the bottom of the viewable area. I did not notice this in version
2019.2.9. And since the problem seemed to happen immediately after my first upload using 2019.3.14,
it would seem it is something written into the new version.
Hi Stefano,
This problem might actually be a Chrome problem. I am using some of the Google Developers Tools from within
chrome at the moment. And some of the Learn More links open new tabs. Within those web pages, Google itself
has the cookies message in a box in the lower left and any clickable buttons are hidden behind the taskbar.
So maybe the last chrome browser update did this, not Website X5.