Display E-mail Message On Cart After Order 
Author: Roman G.
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When you select a payment "client code" or "Pay Later" tab "E-mail Message" is displayed on the page immediately after order in cart. It is normaly?
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can you send us a screenshot of the message displayed? Can you send us URL of your website? we try to make a test.
hi, my url http://sthings.ru/
in cart, if you select "Самовывоз в Москве:..." after confirm order, on page display "Наличными при самовывозе." this phrase i write in "Email message" in options card. by type of payment QIWI is the same problem. Or it is not problem?
Hello Roman,
you can change your text at the end of email inserting text email at the step 4 ecommerce cart, tab "Users Data" in the section "Closing text". Have you try so?
you do not understand, what I mean. this message is sent to the email, depending on the type of payment, as it should be. But this message also display on the page after the payment, which duplicates the information in the of the payment tab "general".
This message must be displayed on the page or sent to email only.
Hello Roman,
if you insert a payment "client code" or "Pay Later" the text on tab "E-mail Message" is displayed on the page immediately after order in cart and this function is normal because so the client can see immediately the message beforethe email.
I do not mean it. Look at the screenshot. I showed what message is displayed immediately after the order, although as I understand it must be sent only by mail, as there may be additional information.
this is the way it should be?
Hello Roman,
Yes, the text that you insert in the tab "E-mail Message" as in the our screenshot, is present in the screen of order number, so the user can see immediately the message. If you want another function in the software you can created a post as idea, so the ideacanbeevaluated.