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Volodymyr R.
Volodymyr R.

Question about new version of 2020  ru

Author: Volodymyr R.
Visited 654, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Thinking about purchasing of the new Pro version...

Will it be possible to do something similar on this web site...

In particular, I am interested in the opportunity to make a kind of customisation ...  So that a potential client can build a product he needs, choose a color, size, etc. And that all this was connected and ultimately resulted in a price in the basket. Something similar to how it is implemented on their site. Only I will have much less options ... Also the pictures should be changed when I choose a certain option. Will it be possible to do in the newest X5 pro version?

Here is an example of what I mean:

Thank you very much!


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Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.


"Will it be possible to do in the newest X5 pro version?" - Unfortunately, this cannot be done at the moment.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.