Serious error with the button (continue shopping) disappears even when the product is in the cart 
Author: Sony Iglesiasserious error with the button (continue shopping) disappears even with the product in the cart
If it is the first time you enter the web and add a product to the cart and then continue shopping
when you go to the shopping cart where it shows you the product and the cost the button will not appear there
here I send photos
I do it with blank templates I mean without codes or anything just basic and it gives that error
if necessary leave that button as it was before or give the user the option to choose whether to put it like this or not
and something else that I have asked many times (how do I change the color of the button continue buying} ??
note that you have to have the cart configured in the option (add without showing the shopping cart)
it is in that option where if it is the first time you enter the web the button does not appear in the cart even if you have a product in the cart
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hello Sony,
I see that Stefano is assisting you with this same issue on your original thread (in Spanish):
We can close this one now so that you can continue the discussion with him there in your native language.
Kind regards,
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