Comment File Lost And Other Problems When Site Changes Server 
Author: Marta Q.I have lost all my comments from guestbook and blog when I changed the site from one server to another.
It seems that the comments are generated in special way and when the site is uploaded in a new server different than the previous one, the comment are not uploaded.
I had a copy of the comments file in my computer but when pass it through the ftp the blog/guest book does not recognice them. I have had to rewrite all of them to generate again the comments file.
Is there a solution? I am temporary in this new server and I do not want to loose them again.
And the other problem I am facing is that some images are "inestable", A minute you see them perfectly and next minute yo don't, and the same with the guste book. See the links below:
1. In this one there are three pictures. In preview the three of them are seen, but after uploading, two of them show an error most of the time but not always:
2.In this page the guestbook is not shown, but it did during a short period of time. Also there is a picture that disppear.
Any idea?
Now it works in Explorer9 but not in Firefox (last version)
As I do have NO answer, I repeat:
I have lost all my comments from guestbook and blog when I changed the site from one server to another.
It seems that the comments are generated in a special way and when the site is uploaded in a new server different than the previous one, the comments are not uploaded.
I had a copy of the comments file in my computer but when pass it through the ftp the blog/guest book does not recognice them. I have had to rewrite all of them to generate again the comments file.
Is there a solution? I am temporary in this new server and I do not want to loose them again.
Hi Marta,
on your server, there should be a folder with all your comments. You can copy this folder from your old server and bring it into your new. Please look onto your server and search for this file or for its backup.
I cannot enter in the old server as domain is changed to the new one. To change from one server to another I uploaded the whole project to the new one through the Incomedia uploader. And then everything worked but there where no comments.
Before the change I passed a copy of the guestbook file to my computer, and then copied it to the ftp, but it does not recognize it
Dear Marta,
I apologyse for making you wait.
In order to keep your comments correctly in your guestbook, you need to make sure that you are creating the same file as the one you had on your previous server in needs to be exactly in the same place as before.
Please check in Step 4 - Advenced Settings - Blog - Comments - Server folding with writing access where you placed it.
Thank you!
It is not a problem of folder as it is just the same as alwways and new comments go perfectly in there when written through the site. It is only that the way they are generated they are not kept in the PC and when you upload the site somewhere else (a new server) they remain in the previous one.
It does not work if you copy/paste the file to the folder, neither if you open a new one and copy the content in the new file generated by the program. I have tried every thing and the file remains empty till someone leaves a comment through the site and it will be the only thing to appear. The only thing that works is to write down again in the guestbook of the site or the blog all the entries you had one by one.
Make the prove. Write a message in the guest book and you will see folder is correct.
We have just tested this, the comments are in a folder on your server and if you change it you simply bring your folder in the same location on your new server, and the comments remain exaclty where they are.
The program writes and reads the comments from a folder in your server, not from your pc. Therefore please try to publish again your website and move correctly your folder when you need to, in the same location, you will then be able to find your comments exactly where they were previously.
It might be an idiomatic problem because I think you do not understand what I am trying to explain.
I changed from one server to another and ask to change the domain location to the new provider.
Once this was done, I upload the whole project to the new ftp adress and I had no way to enter anymore to the old server.
Once uploaded the project, everything was in place, even the folders for comments BUT with no comments in them. I had to write them all again one by one because it does not recognize a file with the same name I previouly copied in my PC.
I do not need to move any folder because all of them are where they should be (or it would not be possible to leave and publis new comments).
I hope the explanation is clear now, but may be with someone who speaks Spanish it would be easier.
I have lost all my comments from guestbook and blog when I changed the site from one server to another.
-> all PHP data uploaded from somewhere to the server will be hold only on server - when changing hosting company all data from webspace shall be downloaded to pc, so when uploading to the new server you can transfer *. . . blog/comments* to the new webspace too (after the first comment). Can you provide PHP version and other specifications of the new server so that we can check to find possible problems ?
Pcssa (si me lo permites, escribo en español que lo entiendes y yo me explico mejor), yo guardé los comentarios en mi PC y los pasé al nuevo servidor, pero ya no los reconoce. Eso me ha pasado siempre, en todos los servidores, cuando paso el fichero desde el servidor al PC y de nuevo al servidor.
Ahora mismo, dado que en el nuevo servidor sigo teniendo los mismos problemas de spam que tenía en el anterior, voy a volver al antiguo y he hablado con el proveedor para que copie los comentarios. Espero que de ftp a ftp funcione. Hemos hecho una prueba y parece que sí, salvo algunos que se han perdido.
He observado que cuando se abre el fichero de comentarios (gbxxxxxxxx) se corrompe y se pierde el contenido.
La versión de PHP la facilité hace unos meses y era la correcta.