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Andy A.
Andy A.

Different access for different groups  en

Author: Andy A.
Visited 1282, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Not so much of a question or i might be answering it myself.

 I know i can create locked pages for a group of users.

I am looking to create 3 different groups of users, so they can only access their respective pages on site if that makes sense.

Can I create 3 sub domains/ with separate Db's, with almost identical websites and allow the users to access them via a link? eiher sent to them or when they land on respective webpage??  would that work? or can anyone point me to an easier more viable solution?.

It also requires the client to ftp a Price list weekly to the server. ( that i know how to do...)  links and files, is not the issue, more to do with restricting access?



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John S.
John S.

Hello Andy

Maybe you should use a database tool for that.

You can then have different groups of users where you can restrict access.

Who is is allowed to : view, create, delete, edit. it could then be integrated in X5 via links or iframe.

But maybe the subdomains could do what you want.

If you could give some more information of, what the purpose is - then we could maybe give better suggestions.

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Posted on the from John S.
Andy A.
Andy A.
John S.
Hello Andy Maybe you should use a database tool for that. You can then have different groups of users where you can restrict access. Who is is allowed to : view, create, delete, edit. it could then be integrated in X5 via links or iframe. But maybe the subdomains could do what you want. If you could give some more information of, what the purpose is - then we could maybe give better suggestions.

John, I have a client, with a retail site. they also have a wholesale dept. to which they provide products to hotels/cafe's/shops etc. However they have 3 levels of wholesale prices if that makes sense,  eg. the big hotels, because they are buying in bulk more get the best prices, say the medium hotels/shops get slightly higher prices and small estab. gets slightly higher again. (obviously without each other seeing each others prices) Due to seasonal variations, prices are constantly changing.  My idea was to give them a login, on a separate subdomain, with its own DBs, so each wholesaler can log into a protected page to view the "weeks" current pricing..  it will be easy for the end user to upload a separate pdf, say to 3 different folders on domain so the end user can view or download. Im not too hot on Dbs, but can set up and connect viw web X5.  hope this makes sense..


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Posted on the from Andy A.

Hello Andy,

Not possible with WSX5 Pro to have more than one DB by project ! yell
You can configure more than one into the software, but only one is online when you upload the project.

So x DB's into same project is not possible. Why not create a main website with 3 other website very light just for the 3 different e-commerce part !

Hope this helps


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Posted on the from Axel  
Andy A.
Andy A.


That was what i was intending doing.

The 3different sites, dont require to be ecommerce as they are only for logging into to see updated pricing etc...

emulate the original site, create 3 light sites, each with own db on own subdomain and have links pointing to them.  I would presume that would work as the main site would have orginal db, and x3 others would be individual mini sites with own db's.  the end user could then direct each venue to their respective domain/site  eg  wholesale/1/2/3  and with diferent logins on each site. i would presume that logins would not be transferable as they would be tied to different db's.

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Posted on the from Andy A.
Andy A.
Andy A.

Just an update, well separate subdomains/db's didnt work, (at least not the way i hoped) as when validating account, it reverts back to original login domain, opposed to the new subdomain..   will try and set up group access??

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Posted on the from Andy A.

An idea 

For a user you can redirect to a specific page like below

So you can create an hidden page into your plan... And into this page just add an HTML object with this code

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="timer_in_seconds;URL=URL_target">

this code redirects your request to other page into a subdomain or other domain.

Hope this helps


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Posted on the from Axel  
Andy A.
Andy A.

Axel, I will look into that and let you know how i get on..  might be the way forward..

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Posted on the from Andy A.