How do I add back and next buttons to my website 
Author: Michael SimpsonWebsite:
I've created a website for a bomb group from World War II. In a section called Mission Summaries, I have 17 levels (one for each month they flew between Dec 43-Apr 45). Under each level are the individual pages with specifics of the bombing mission.
If I wanted the flow to go like this:
1. Selected Mission Summaries and found a table with links to each of the 17 months.
2. I select the first entry in the table called "December 1943 - 7 Missions" which takes me to a page that displays a calendar with 7 days shown as hyperlinks to each of the 7 missions flown on each specific day.
Now here's my question:
If I select the mission on Dec 13th, I will see the results on that page. If I wanted to see the next mission directly from that page, do I just create a button called Next Mission and point that to the page for that subsequent mission?
Likewise if I wanted to go back up a level, do I just create a button called Back to Mission Summaries that links back to the page where I saw the talbe with 17 options?
Hello.You can create such buttons / links manually.Just like you created them at the bottom of this page
I recommend creating buttons of the desired type on one page, and then copying them to other pages and changing the link.
x Michael, ... you should have thought about it first; ... you didn't name all the pages sequentially, and you also used punctuation, ... otherwise it would have been pretty simple in JavaScript with all pages with these names:
mission-1.html, mission-2.html, mission-3.html, ... ... mission-71.html, mission-72.html, ... etcetera etcetera
Hi KolAsim, always good ideas
Could you give us a sample of js "it would have been pretty simple in JavaScript with all pages with these names"?
It would be useful for me for an old project.
Many thanks for many of us.
Kind regards,
Non è la stessa identica cosa che suggerisce KolAsim ... ma c'è anche del codice suggerito da EsseDi...
lo puoi trovare qui:
It's not the exact same thing that KolAsim suggests ... but there is also some code suggested by EsseDi ... you can find it here:
... ... très simple
; ...pour les pages avec le nom racine paginazk(ou ce que vous préférez), paginazk1.html, paginazk2.html, paginazk3.html, paginazk4.html, (ect. etc.)...
... coller le code dans l'Objet HTML Code (également attaché), (*);
(*) ... en HEADER ou FOOTER valable pour toutes les pages en une seule fois ...
<!-- paginazione numerica by KolAsim -->
<input type="button" onclick="redirectK2()" value="<< INDIETRO" /> |
<input type="button" onclick="redirectK1()" value="AVANTI >>" />
//paginazione numerica by KolAsim
window.onload= function (){
indirizzoK = window.location.href.split('/');
paginaK = indirizzoK[indirizzoK.length -1];
paginaK = paginaK.split('paginazk');
paginaK = paginaK[paginaK.length -1];
paginaK = paginaK.split('.');
paginaK = paginaK[paginaK.length -2];
function redirectK1 () {
paginaK =Number(paginaK)+1;
if(paginaK > max) {paginaK=max;alert("max page"); }
window.location.href = "paginazk"+paginaK+".html";
function redirectK2 () {
paginaK =Number(paginaK)-1;
if(paginaK < min) {paginaK=min;alert("min page"); }
window.location.href = "paginazk"+paginaK+".html";
Michael, Aleksej offers the best advise (a row with forward / back / etc buttons that you copy to each page and edit to the appropriate links), but you could also consider a page menu. Assuming your site is structured with all like pages under a level, you can place a menu object on each page so the user can easily jump to any appropriate page.
Hello Michael
Esahc gave a good advise. I use this way often.
You can see an example here :
To the left is a menu where you can make a quick change to another page in a chapter. In the bottom of the menu you can jump to next chapter.
On each page after the text, is a button where you can go to next page.
I think this structure is much like you have yours now. You don't need to change any pagename. All you have to do is to place a menu on each page, and a nedxt-button in each page-text.
If you want to go this way, then I can show/tell you how to make the left-menu sticky so it does not disappear when scrolling and also how to make the level up ( Niveau up ) and the Næste ( next ( chapter ))
... continuing on what I had already said before, ... I have deepened on the situation of your site, and I have seen that you are still in the planning phase, and that the changes would take you several hours of effort(!!!)...
... if you want to be amazed immediately, do this not at all demanding test:
... instead, if you repair by working with criteria and method, you would solve it almost immediately, in less than ten (10) minutes, and then use my exclusive code, which applies in just one (1) second ...
1) - place an HTML Code Object object in the HEADER, and paste the following code in bold,
2) - then open the mission-4.html page and view the Preview ...
...!... the code is dedicated to your site, and will work for currently valid pages from mission-3 to mission-46...!...
... code:
<!-- paginazione numerica by KolAsim -->
<input type="button" onclick="redirectK2()" value="<< zurückgehen" /> | <input type="button" onclick="redirectK1()" value="weitergehen >>" />
//paginazione numerica by KolAsim
window.onload= function (){
indirizzoK = window.location.href.split('/');alert(indirizzoK);
radiceK = "mission-";
paginaK = indirizzoK[indirizzoK.length -1];
paginaK = paginaK.split(radiceK);
paginaK = paginaK[paginaK.length -1];
paginaK = paginaK.split('.');
paginaK = paginaK[paginaK.length -2];
function redirectK1 () {
paginaK =Number(paginaK)+1;
if(paginaK > max) {paginaK=max;alert("max page"); }
window.location.href = radiceK+paginaK+".html";
function redirectK2 () {
paginaK =Number(paginaK)-1;
if(paginaK < min) {paginaK=min;alert("min page"); }
window.location.href = radiceK+paginaK+".html";
<!-- paginazione numerica by KolAsim FINE -->
Thank you very much for your help, as usual
I'll test it asap
Have a nice Sunday.
... quand vous le faites, si vous le pouvez, je serai heureux de savoir si vous avez obtenu le résultat souhaité...
bon dimanche et bonne F1
Hi KolAsim,
The forum was out of service this morning when I wanted to send you my project.
So… as hoped, it works, of course because, once again, you are amazing!
Here is my test project:
Thank you again for this "tip".
Kind regards,
... Hi thanks for your feedback
, ... I'm happy, your confirmation is enough...
.... unfortunately currently I don't have a PC or even the Program, so I can't download; ... will benefit others looking for similar and simple solutions ...
... thanks again ...
Hello, ciao