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Nektarios K.
Nektarios K.

Email address  en

Author: Nektarios K.
Visited 933, Followers 1, Shared 0  


I want to arrange the email form like this:
I have 3 different departments and 3 different brand offices globally.
I was created like a drop-down menu to choose where you wish to send the email.
How can I use different email addresses for each one of the departments or brand offices choose?

(I use websitex5 pro ver. 220.2.5)

Please advice



Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Nek, I would simply send to one common email address and then use mail filtering based on the users choice to forward the email to the appropriate address.

An alternative may be to let the user choose who they wish to contact and duplicate the contact page (simply copy and paste) you could mark each as hidden so they do not clutter your menu (based on your current form you would have 6 contact pages?). If you preferred you might prefer to create a level called contact and have the 6 contact pages accessible as menu options.

unfortunately there is no option for drop down destination email address.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
John S.
John S.

Hello Nektarios

You could make a project for each office. put the 3 projects/offices in 3 subfolders. Each project should only consist of the contact page and a way to get "back" to the "real" project.

The mail-settings in the 3 projects could then be as you want them to be.

I think this is the only way unless you use special code.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

In the sub-projects you can specify a "confirmation" page that user is sent to when "SEND" is pressed.

On this confirmation page you can place a message AND a button "BACK". This button should direct the user back to the "real" project.

Doing it this way, the user will maybe never discover that he had visited another "project".

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Posted on the from John S.