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Ashish Purmanund
Ashish Purmanund

Website X5 could have do and undo in case a page has been deleted by mistake !  en

Author: Ashish Purmanund
Visited 1735, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Since it was my first website ( with Incomedia Website X5 Pro latest edition (before it was done with   another program), I learnt from trial and error and the help and advise of Paul M and Aleksej, I had done it again yesterday.

it would have been great like my other software (Xara Designer pro) to be able to work (open) on at least to projects, while, for me another important issue is if one has by mistake deleted a page. In Xara, you can undo, while, on Incomedia, it is gone forever. The Margins features are a bit tricky, it could have had a feature which lets you see what is happening

Just like an Image can be placed as a banner in a Space Object, however the Google Map whish is also available does not work (that it it does not have the + and _ (zoom) BUT only works, if it is dropped from the objects.

Same issues with the Sticky Bar, if  the image is placed  from the General Tab, it cannot be removed, BUT from Contents Tab, it can be modified. (unless, the above are some issues and bugs !)

Else, I wish to praise this Software which is breathtaking and look forward for better improvements and more hints while working.

Posted on the
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments. Due to the holidays, the reply may be delayed (

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Ashish,

These are nice idea's and Incomedia will surely take a look at it, in the meantime let me give you some work idea's and tips for backup's that are in x5;

You can set several backup options in x5, for instance in the pulldown of the save button.

these backups can be restored in the project selection and there can also be more settings done.

This is a partialbackup in case you make a mistake.


Make always after some hours of work a backup in step5 export project and place this on another medium then where x5 works. this way if program or pc crashes you won't lose too much work.

This one is a full backup


Besides that if you start experimating and you are not sure if you want to use this project at the end, then make a copy of the original in the same project window (duplicate button) and work on the duplicate.

If you like it make a backup in step 5 again and continue to work, if you don't like step back to the original project.

Besides that x5 will warn you to make a backup from time to time, set this to your liking and follow up on this.

I hope this is enough to keep you working without too many loses?

Check also the help guide in x5;

Best regards,

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Posted on the from Andre E
Ashish Purmanund
Ashish Purmanund

Dear Aleksej and Andre E

Thank you very much indeed for your inputs and prompt responding.

I am amazed though that my commercial scripts did not cause any codes conflicts like in Xara (which I do not plan to use heneceforth).

I am still watching the video Tuitions courses of Aleksej, hope to get an update soon  so that I can buy.

Sadly (sorry for repeating myself as I did on another post), Had I worked  and know of Incomedia X 5  pro which I have for a year BUT tried it only 10 days ago or so, I would not have had to spend lots of money in buying Web Acappella for $ 199 x 2 ($ 400) and still not using it  since I am happy with Incomedia Website X5 Pro !

One more issues: Why, in Generator, it shows Incomedia Website X5 Pro and version as well as the URL?
This could have been an option like Author: where one can choose to let Incomedia there or change it.

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Posted on the from Ashish Purmanund
Andre E
Andre E


Do you mean this:

At start up page;

Set the generator off here if needed (only pro version)

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Posted on the from Andre E
Ashish Purmanund
Ashish Purmanund

Hi Andre E

Thank you. Fact is, I have never seen this.


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Posted on the from Ashish Purmanund
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

"I am still watching the video Tuitions courses of Aleksej, hope to get an update soon so that I can buy." - I am not planning a new course at this time.For all important changes in the program since the release of the cruise, I publish free video tutorials.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Ashish Purmanund
Ashish Purmanund
Aleksej H.
" I am not planning a new course at this time.For all important changes in the program since the release of the cruise, I publish free video tutorials.

Thank you Aleksej.

Best  regards

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Posted on the from Ashish Purmanund