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Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Benchmarking projects X5 pro  en

Author: Adrian B.
Visited 1693, Followers 1, Shared 0  

There has been some discussion on here about performance of X5 on various PC's.

I personally think the save times and preview render times are quite acceptible given the size of the projects I am working with.

But lets hear from people..... when you export a project to an IWZIP file (do not check any of the checkboxes) time it with a stopwatch (every smart phone has one).

I will post the results on:

Here's mine:

456 pages, 106.963 MB..... 17 seconds.

Machine: Macbook Pro 16", Mac OS 10.15.6 i9 2.3G 8 core, 16gig ram running parallels 15. X5 2020.3.4

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Andre E
Andre E

Well it was time for a backup anyway, but specs are very different so measurement like this is truly dependable on many many factors more, like SSD harddrive or not? your virusscanner takes also a lot of time that is different for every brand, how many programs are running, ...... anyway;

project size 120Mb 27 pages

win10  proc. 2,8Gb  ram 8Gb x5 runs on ssd drive, backup on normal drive with virusscanner.

time for export -> 13 seconds

Not Bad.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

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Posted on the from Adrian B.