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Jim C.
Jim C.

Webinar for version 2021.1  en

Author: Jim C.
Visited 2694, Followers 2, Shared 0  

Hi All,

Just watched the Incomedia webinar for version 2021.1, best described as a “non-event” and purely all sales hype. We really need to see more attention given to all the problems identified by the existing users corrected before creating cosmetic changes to the user interface.


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..


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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Pavel M.
Pavel M.

verbose pouring from empty to empty. turned off after 10 minutes.

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Posted on the from Pavel M.
Jim C.
Jim C.

Hi All,

With Incomedia’s new version, it’s like re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, whilst at the same time asking the existing paying passengers to purchase tickets for future sailings.

When will Incomedia wake up to the reality that by listening to their existing users and addressing their concerns, X5 could be easily transformed into the go to web site design software beating the competition. Cosmetic changes are not what the users want!


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Posted on the from Jim C.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida
Jim C.
Just watched the Incomedia webinar for version 2021.1, best described as a “non-event” and purely all sales hype. We really need to see more attention given to all the problems identified by the existing users corrected before creating cosmetic changes to the user interface. Jim


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida


Look and feel changing.

NEVER asked by users.

We have PAID UPDATE PROTECTION to have some bugs fixes in priority and new useful features...

But again LOOK AND FEEL his an Incomedia wish... To esay that to fix bugs or issues...
Time to go away... new solutions are existing...(Email me to have some infos)

And this next version again , it's a bulls..... and obviously with regression as usual because Quality tests does not exists at Incomedia and at each new version is a disaster.....

Enjoy !


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Posted on the from Axel  
David Wilson
David Wilson

+1 Just hype and Bull*^!T

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Posted on the from David Wilson
Elisa B.

Hi Jim, 

I am sorry you didn't appreciate the webinar. 

As mentioned in the description, it was meant to be a presentation of the upcoming version more than an operational guide, so in a sense it is true it had more of a commercial purpose. As mentioned during the webinar itself, this new version is just the 1st release of the year, which functions as a sort of basis for the other versions which will then be released and which will focus on more functional aspects of the software, including the e-commerce. 

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Jim C.
Jim C.

Hi Elisa,

Thank you for your feedback, it is always appreciated.

My comments were based on my belief that the new version 2021.1 is due out this week. If this is correct, then the content on the webinar for a new version of the software that must already be virtually finished was very lacking. My other concern is Incomedia’s continued focus on changing the user interface, this is not what most users are concerned with, we are more concerned as to what the website visitor see’s, and as such the numerous points raised by the users in relation to X5 shortfalls/bugs should be addressed before cosmetic changes are made to the user interface. Also, as highlighted frequently on this forum the quality of the QC checking (if it exists?) is sadly very lacking.

Once again, I stress my sincere view that X5 is an excellent product, but please listen to your loyal users rather than someone in the marketing department, who obviously never use the software.

Best wishes,


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Posted on the from Jim C.

@Jim C. You said that very well, I also think the software is very good and have been working with it for a long time. I hope that Incomedia hears US ALL and impletetiert our ideas and suggestions. Because we are the buyers and users of the software. A lot has happened, but maybe not all of our wishes can be taken into account, which would of course be great. But again from my side, of course you're right, but I understand inco too. Maybe you should always see everything from two sides. All the best to you all, good luck and stay healthy! Greetings Jörg

@Jim C.  das hast du sehr gut gesagt, ich finde die Software auch sehr gut und arbeite damit auch schon lange. Ich hoffe das Incomedia UNS ALLE hört und auch unsere Ideen und Anregungen impletiert. Denn wir sind die Käufer und Nutzer der Software. Es hat sich ja auch schon einiges getan, aber vielleicht sind auch nicht immer alle Wünsche von uns zu berücksichtigen, was natürlich toll wäre. Aber nochmal auch von meiner Seite, du hast natürlich Recht, ich verstehe aber inco auch. Man sollte vielleicht auch immer alles von zwei Seiten sehen. Alles gute euch allen, viel Erfolg und bleibt gesund! Gruß Jörg 

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Posted on the from JÖRG L.
A J.
A J.

I missed the webinar but I personally have requested that the applications UI have an option for a more darker and sleak feel for when working long hours on a project at night or in low light situations. If the application now has this look and feel then it has indeed listened to at least one of its long time customers.

People really need to be more thankful for what X5 can do already and route for its success and forward progression in the future releases. I'm sure a lot of us will be sorely "put out" if if the software software ceased to be or failed to continue advancing it's look and functionality year by year and by year.

A good way to tell how to be really thankful for something is by going and working with another website creation software and online store intergration tool and then see how much you miss working in X5, I've tried this on several occasions and it has always come down to "what the heck was I thinking man". 

If something is good and you enjoy working with it (even though its not perfect, but show me something that is?) then it's best to be nice to, and support the people who bring it to you, or it could all magically dissapear one day as nothing is promised or certain. 

I can also certainly understand why any creation company would have it in their thought processes to revamp the look of their software in particularly after a year that most of us would like to forget, because change of scenery is a good thing as life and times progress. Just IMHO

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Posted on the from A J.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida
Jim C.
Hi Elisa, Thank you for your feedback, it is always appreciated. My comments were based on my belief that the new version 2021.1 is due out this week. If this is correct, then the content on the webinar for a new version of the software that must already be virtually finished was very lacking. My other concern is Incomedia’s continued focus on changing the user interface, this is not what most users are concerned with, we are more concerned as to what the website visitor see’s, and as such the numerous points raised by the users in relation to X5 shortfalls/bugs should be addressed before cosmetic changes are made to the user interface. Also, as highlighted frequently on this forum the quality of the QC checking (if it exists?) is sadly very lacking. Once again, I stress my sincere view that X5 is an excellent product, but please listen to your loyal users rather than someone in the marketing department, who obviously never use the software. Best wishes, Jim


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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida
Jim C.
Jim C.

Hi All,

Had a look at the new version 2021.1 released today (16/02/21). Basically, it looks like a “taster” with Incomedia looking for existing and potentially new users to buy this version and thereby “crowdfund” the up-front development and ongoing costs for this version.

This seems an unusual marketing strategy for a new version of software, expecting customers to buy the software without knowing or seeing what it looks like or what functions are built into the software.



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Posted on the from Jim C.
Andre E
Andre E

Where is the webinar? Is there a link to see it again?

Normaly i get a mail, but i missed the webinar self because of my work that needed 100% attention.....

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Posted on the from Andre E
Elisa B.

Hi Andre!

We don't record presentation webinars which introduce the features of a new version. The reason for that is that they aren't a real guide. 

Of course, all other webinar kinds are still recorded and the links are automatically sent by email as soon as it is ready. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.

thanks Elisa for your NOT fairplay ... to hide comments which are true but not good for your business.

Try to be better with us (customers) , that's all !

not all truth is good to say and hear

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Posted on the from Axel  
Andre E
Andre E
Elisa B.
Hi Andre! We don't record presentation webinars which introduce the features of a new version. The reason for that is that they aren't a real guide.  Of course, all other webinar kinds are still recorded and the links are automatically sent by email as soon as it is ready.  Thanks! Kind regards.

Ok, thx,

maybe it would be a good idea, i realy would have liked to see it, just because it's during worktime i don't always have the time and it was very busy at the time, else i might have been able to view it live.

Just wondering why not to show it or reveale it, if you have showed it to users thaat had time at this moment then why shield it from others? I feel an IDEA post comming up, but yeah it's not in x5 improvement, and this psot is already an IDEA post for another subject, so i rest my case.

thx, best regards,

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Posted on the from Andre E