Lack of Text/Link Classes and Other Gripes 
Author: Ian T.I would love to be singing praises for X5 but the I seem to be spending a lot of time looking for features in X5 Professional that I expect will be there but they are not, or at least if they are, I can't find them. The remainder of may last two days has been spent finding workarounds for all kinds of limitations imposed by this software. I feel the product is working against me not with me.
For example, there is a page for setting up text styles etc. including text links, but it looks like you can only set one style, so if, as in the case of the site I am working on, I want light coloured text links on a dark footer and dark text links on body text on a white background, I can't have them, not both anyway. This is a very common requirement, in fact this Community page I'm typing this into has that exact styling. The white links on the footer would be uselessly invisible on the white areas of the page. So surely it would make sense if X5 had more than one class of text links. Even just two would be better than only one, then for each link you set up you could slect the style to use. It could default to the last style you used so whilst working on a dark area of a page bright links would be added until you selected another style. The same goes for body text, again only one class!
What I am having to do is script half of the site's text links completely by hand because you can't even attach a custom class to the inbuilt linking. It's a bit like driving a car that can only turn right. If you want to turn left you either have to go though an awkward 270 degree right turn, or stop, get out, jack-up the front end and kick it over to the left. Yes, that's what it's like, a total PitA.
To make matters even worse, the text module frequently 'forgets' that you have activated the HTML option and starts to treat script tags as content and the only way I have found to resolve this (because clicking the HTML button again, any number of times solves nothing) is to cut and paste stuff into Notepad to strip out the control tags, then copy and paste it back in again. The problem is further compounded by the fact that X5s text editor is probably the worst text editor in the world, it doesn't even allow searching, let alone search and replace.
Come on Incomedia. If you're going to describe a product as 'Professional' at least include professional features.
This is aside from the many crazy bugs I have encountered in X5 and the add-on objects. I don't have time to list everything. It's all pretty obvious stuff to spot.
Don't get me wrong, there are some really good features in this app but it is blighted by some very irritating issues which make working with it much much slower than it should be.
I'd be interested to know how other users deal with these issues, or is it only me who is irritated by them?
Ian - you are not alone
With the X5 software you can quick and rather easy create good-looking sites. But you are limited by many things. You can solve many things when you add code, but that should not be the rule - it should only be needed in a few special cases.
Your example with the car describes it well. You could say a simple site is like a circular track. Then it is easy to drive.
Example - Many things that is annoying for us users, and that could be made with little effort from the programmers, is an offset for anchors. It has been suggested before, and lately here :
Sometimes I wonder where the programmers get their tasks from. Many of the "new" things is, things that has never been asked for. And many new objects is useless things as "trailing mouse" - and more and more objects that should be included in the program, you have to pay extra for.
I have found out why they call it PRO - You have to have knowledge of coding. X5 should be a program that functions out of the box and should be for users with no coding experience. This is not the case.
Why am I still using X5? Well - I have some projects that is made with X5 - that's why. I still use the program but I am not sure I will keep on updating it.
Hallo John S. und Ian T.
WSX 5 PRO (ich habe 2021.2.3) ist ein sehr gutes Programm zum erstellen guten Webseiten.
Egal welches Programm Sie zum erstellen von Webseiten verwenden, jedes Programm hat seine Vor- und Nachteile.
CMS Programme wie Joomla oder Wordpress haben auch nur eine Grundausstattung, alle anderen extras (PlugIns) müssen genauso extra bezahlt werden.
Mein Credo = weniger ist oft mehr. Ich verwende kaum noch PlugIns (ziehen die Ladegeschwindigkeit erheblich runter) sondern hauptsächlich Extra-Code, den ich sehr oft von anderen aus diesem Forum bekomme (Danke an die JUNGS
Viele Webseiten die ich hier schon gesehen habe sind mit PlugIns überladen. Das ist schlecht für die Ladegeschwindigkeit und für die SEO.
Ein bisschen HTML und CSS sollte jeder lernen, damit kann er schon einiges ausrichten. Ohne Zusatz-Code geht es nicht und alles nur noch mit PlugIns = keine gute IDEE
Hello John S. and Ian T.
WSX 5 PRO (I have 2021.2.3) is a very good program for creating good websites.
No matter which program you use to create websites, each program has its advantages and disadvantages.
CMS programs such as Joomla or Wordpress only have a basic set of features, all other extras (plug-ins) must also be paid extra.
My credo = less is often more. I hardly ever use plug-ins anymore (slow the loading speed considerably) but mainly extra code, which I get very often from others in this forum (thanks to the JUNGS laughingcool.
Many websites that I have already seen here are overloaded with plug-ins. This is bad for loading speed and for SEO.
Everyone should learn a little bit of HTML and CSS, so they can do a lot. It doesn't work without additional code and everything only works with plug-ins = not a good IDEA
I like the X5.
But why the h.. does the programmers not make the obvious things.
My example with the offset for anchors. I have no problem with using code. But why is it not made as a setting in X5?
It should be so easy to do. It will not slow down anything. And the code should not be created if nothing is set.
The way I propose will make it backward compatible. I see no disadvantage in making this. But one wonders why it is not made!!!!!!
It has been asked for many times and by many users. Many users has problems with code ( I am not one of them ) - so I only see advantages in doing this. And it should not take much time for the programmers I think.
This is just an example - I could mention more examples.
Let the programmers use their time on things that gives value to us users - and leave the funny and useless things for others.
And - by the way - INCOMEDIA sells the product X5 like this :
Goodmorning everyone.
Unfortunately, you are not the only one.
I have created an e-commerce. The latest update has improved the graphics, but some important functions are wrong. The calculation of the transport is a real need. Their system is not suitable. I can only do domestic sales. For foreign countries, the customers have to ask me for a quote (their system calculates wrong rates). I hope the programming staff will listen and improve all our suggestions quickly.
I wish everyone a happy Easter
Hi Ian,
thank you for getting in touch.
I had already reported the link idea you have mentioned, but I will be happy to bring the attention back on this topic. Also, you mentioned an issue with the Text Object: in order to better understand what's going on and help you accordingly, I suggest you to create a new post where you provide more information about what is happening, so we can look into the issue individually, I am sure we will find the solution.
Thanks! Kind regards.