Author: René Rosendahl A.
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Can the files uploaded to the URL be used for further work in the program if it is downloaded to the computer?
Posted on the
No you can't downoad it in x5 (as project) in the program from internet.
Once uploaded the project is taken apart and then files are created for internet, this proces can not be reversed.
That's why it is importand to make an export projec in step5 as backup on a seperate disc, this way you can always fall back in case of trouble.
I have the whole file folder but not the iwzip file, are there any options for of this project can be used again ??
I have the whole file folder but not the iwzip file, are there any options for of this project can be used again ??
Trying again
here's the real picture, sorry
Hello René,
You can import your project file which is *.iwprj2
Check also into backup directory.
There is probably some backup files
He Axel
Only iwzip can be imported, I can't see how *.iwprj2 is imported
Into your root directory, rename the project.iwprj2 file by .old extension by example
From backup directorycopy a backuped file to the root directory and rename this file to project.iwprj2
Click on project.iwprj2 file and now the backup button is activated. To choose one backup file (latest with date from backup directory)
Normally you will get the project from this backup file.