New Paypal platform and Sandbox mode not available
Author: Axel
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Hello Stafeano,
I think title is very clear.
initial post is here:
Thank you for your feedback !
Posted on the
Hello Axel
We've looked into this possibility for quite some time, but it seems like it won't be possible to implement this correctly due to how much more complicated getting it to work would be compared to the old PayPal implementation.
In the older implementation, setting the checkbox to SandBox would have been enough. The new system though requires users to take further steps which might complicate the procedure by quite a lot and many users would find themselves in a difficult situation to solve
Due to this, we're currently working on a different system to allow the standard PayPal method to produce a log that contains any type of error that might appear during the procedure. With this log, it will be easier to identify the issue and send it to us for solving
News on this will be made available when possible
Thank you
Hello Stefano,
It's a nice option, but do you have asked to Paypal is it was not possible.
Probably you are not the alone editor in this case.
Because with your log options it will not be possible to go until the end of payment (which is fictive into sandbox).
So we cannot test paiement with real payment at each time !
It could be nice to have a sandbox solution to test payement from A to -> Z
Actually your new paypal feature mode is not a feature but a retrogated function wich worked fine before with older solution.
Hello Axel
The new PayPal integration is definitely an improvement over the old one. You get automatic display of different payment systems on your website, the possibility of paying with card directly and lower fees for every transaction.
Also, the need for a sandbox is greatly reduced due to how the system is configured. With PayPal classic, you could make several mistakes that could end in errors
With the new one, if you can get to the end of the payment, it will definitely work right. As mentioned by me before, it seems like it won't be possible to implement this correctly due to how much more complicated getting it to work would be compared to the old PayPal implementation. The new system though requires users to take further steps which might complicate the procedure by quite a lot and many users would find themselves in a difficult situation to solve
I'm sure that the new log system we're putting up will be very helpful in verifying possible issues anyway
News on this will be made available when possible
Thank you
Hello Stefano,
It's not because the Credit Card infos are displayed on the WSX5 page, that a good proof of final payment... and you know that payment is a little bit sensitive often.
So to test payment by Credit Card we need to do a real payment from WSX5 interface !!!!! , beacuse we are not on Paypal GUI. Not really serious.
Do you have asked if they have a test Credit Card number to test the payment...????
ALL, I say ALL payment platforms have a test CC... and Paypal too with there previous solution.
I will be very surprised if they don't offer a testing CC for the payment..with their new platform....
Please like webshop editor, ask them...!!!!
I suppose that your editor relation is deeper that mine to ask them
Thank you for clarification
Hello Stefano,
Ok je viens d'appeler Paypal qui ne propose plus ce mode de test en sandbox avec la nouvelle plateforme.
Il n'est donc plus possible de tester un paiement de A->Z et de voir comment cela focntionne avec des identifiants fictifs ou des numéros de Carte Bancaire fictifs aussi jusqu'à recevoir l'email de confirmation de paiement de Paypal comme en mode sandbox.
Donc si un client veut tester le site de e-Commerce, il DOIT payer soit avec son compte paypal soit avec sa carte bancaire. Même si le montant est de 1 € je ne crois pas une seule seconde que quelqu'un va payer avec SON argent pour des tests. C'est stupide et pas très facile ...
Il faut donc que nous remboursions les personnes après les tests... !!!!!
Ce n'est ni acceptable ni faisable ...
La solution Paypal ne semble plus être utile comme avant.
J'ai developpé pas mal de plugin de paiement pour WSX5 et TOUTES les banquesproposent un mode sandbox pour faire des tests. TOUTES LES BANQUES !!!
Donc il est peut être temps de ne plus utiliser cette solution qui offrait le mode sandbox dans le mode de paiement précédent. Mais l'évolution fait que cela n'est plus possible...
C'est donc une évolution qui régresse !!! Dommage...
Paypal n'appartient plus à eBay depusi 2018, et eBay vient de forcer tous les clients à modifier les paramètres de paiements. eBay n'utilise PLUS Paypal !!! mais leur propre plateforme de paiement interne.
Paypal va avoir mal....
Alors Paypal est peut être en train de perdre de la vitesse ! et qui sait ... disparaître !!!!
de plus certains pays ne peuvent pas utiliser Paypal. et en 2021 c'est un peu dommage aussi.
Donc si vous lisez ce post, chers utilisateurs, sachez que j'offre déjà une bonne liste de plugin de paiements vers des banques française ou étrangères et prêt à en ajouter si vous avez un besoin.
Testez vous même ici: et faites un achat fictif pour visualiser les différents paiements.
Voici le liste: