Star ratings visible on one web page and not on others 
Author: Arnold PageMy website has six pages that have the WebsiteX5 comments and ratings object on them. On five of them the stars do not appear, neither where comments are entered nor where someone has entered a comment, but on one page they do appear. This may help Stefano G in replying to Václav K's similar problem. (I couldn't see how to add my comment to that post.)
The problem is the same on three different web browsers.
However, I have just deleted the comments object on one page and re-entered it, and the stars were then visible, but I suspect that if any comments had been added they would have been deleted from the system in the process. Perhaps Stefano can advise us on how we can save comments on pages that have them, before deleting and replacing all the comments and ratings objects.
(It > En) ... I don't know where you have omitted some options, but if you are interested it could be solved with EXTRA/expert code, and if so, let me know...
... otherwise, as you requested, be patient, and wait for the STAFF from next Monday...
Hello Arnold
The issue with the stars disappearing is known but seems like a very complicated issue to reproduce, and for this reason, there isn't an official fix yet. To fix the situation though it should be enough to open up the Object and then close it again.
If you have more than one on a single page, you can also go to Step 3 and open the Properties section for the page. This should fix the issue
The Staff is actively looking into this to understand the reason once and for all but I am afraid that for now, there is still no news on this, I'm sorry
I'll keep you posted should there be any news on this
I installed a test comment on a page which had no comments and no visible stars. The comment appeared in admin with the starts displayed, and I approved it. It appeared on the website without the stars.
I then opened up the object as you suggested and closed it again, but the stars remained invisible.
I then deleted the object and reinstalled it with the same settings as before. As in myh earlier test, the stars were then visible, but the test comment I had introdiced had disappeared from the file, as I had guessed it would. (I am saving the comments to a file, not a database.)
So I need to know how to save the comments on pages where comments still exist before I delete and reinstall the comments and rating objects, so that I can then reinstall the comments afterwards.
Alternatively KolAsim says some expert code would solve the problem.
Conclusion. I transferred the surviving comment files via FileZilla to a safe place on my pc. I then deleted and reinstalled all the comments and ratings digits. In some cases I had to first change the type to the Facebook comments manager and save that before re-setting the type to the WebsiteX5 manager - it sometimes seemed difficult to completely remove the no-stars versions.
Where I had a saved comments folder I entered a new dummy comment to produce a comments file, and then used FileZilla to over-write it with the code for my saved comments. Where I didn't have a saved comments folder I re-entered manually lost reviews that I had obtained from other sources, e.g.
One possible hint to the problem is that even when no stars are visible, if I hover the mouse over the place on the screen where they should be the mouse cursor changes to a hand symbol, indicating a live link to the stars at that point. I can even set the star rating by clicking on an invisible star and it will show up in admin. So does the code need an additional final line with something like 'visible = true' to reset the visibility property?
I will mark this conversation as complete now.