Program craches, operations takes longer 
Author: Wojciech W.I am working on a ready pattern ( After a few modifications, working with row formats becomes impossible - rows combine into random configurations and are locked. Impossible to change order of items (responsive option). The program crashes, I can't preview or even save my project. Each operation takes longer than usually: f. ex. creating anchors takes five minutes. It takes 20-30 seconds to edit any item. I have restarted the program many times today, starting work from zero point. Reinstalled the program - no changes. It is very bothersome. Please help.
This problem only applies to the Website Marketplace project - I can work on other projects correctly.
Podaj nazwę szablonu bo link nieaktualny.
TJ Law Practice
Wojciech you have empty cells on your page/s. Please make sure none are empty by adding an object to each (the object need not have content). I always fill every empty cell (or row or column) with a text object but do not write anything.
This is a known issue so did that help?
It works! Thank you for your help
Excellent :-)