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John R.
John R.

Website export  en

Author: John R.
Visited 1196, Followers 1, Shared 0  

As a matter of interest do I need to just export the file in its final form, and when stored will the new version then search for all the data and images to upload to the www.?
I ask that because on the last experience with V8 to V11 I had to get one of the staff of Incomedia to convert the file to the new format, but I then had to load every image into the software.
On a second point, will I need to change any of the settings on the upload screen to send it to the server?  

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Дмитрий Тулупов
Дмитрий Тулупов

I have no problem uploading the site to hosting.

All files fly by themselves, even those that you no longer use. laughing

We have the same versions of the constructor. Everything will be fine!

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Posted on the from Дмитрий Тулупов
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, after every major editting session I export my project (step 5 export project), I do not include backups or  previews and at time of creation I append the date.

This gives me multiple fallback positions. Each iwzip file is the complete project with all dependencies. If I choose to I can even import the project on a new PC.

Do not confuse this with the rudimentary backup (down arrow next to save) which is flawed and does not include all required files to enable recovery under all circumstances.

Regular creation of iwzip files will save your sanity.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..