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Ross P.
Ross P.

Adding a file download link to a product description  en

Author: Ross P.
Visited 917, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Is it possible to load a download pdf text link to the General caption section of a product setting.

Currently I have a link in the details section but it shows up as an image, I would prefer thata link in both the Caption area and the Details section pop up with the PDF for downloading.

Image attached.

Page link:

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John S.
John S.

You can make a link in the description.

It will then be shown as a link in the general text for the product.

The link could be to a PDF file.

It will look like this:

Hope it was something like this you mean

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Posted on the from John S.
Ross P.
Ross P.

Hi John

Thank you very much, it works fine.

Your help is very much appreciated.

Kind regards

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Posted on the from Ross P.