404 page - no formatting 
Author: Stephen C.
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I have several websites built with WebSiteX5, and most of them include a fully working Error 404 page. However two of my sites refuse to display the 404 page with correct formatting - just basic text without the header/menu displayed. As far as I can see, the 404 page on these problem sites has been created exactly the same as the for the sites which are displaying correctly. I have run out of ideas to identify the problem, so any thoughts or advice would be gratefully received.
Posted on the
Hello. Please provide links to sites with problems.
Please provide screenshots of the 404 page settings in the program.
Hi Aleksej
Here's an example of a site for which the 404 doesn't display correctly:
and here's one which works fine:
In both cases all the settings are the same and the page properites are Hidden/404
Maybe there is a problem with the site: www.winrk.co.uk
When I try accessing the given URL, I am blocked with this message:
It is reported as a well-known dangerous website.
Stai esportando usando website X5 o usi un ftp di terze parti ?
Se si , prova a fare un'esportazione completa ...
Inoltre mi pare che hai specificato nell'url del Sito
(It > En) ... I confirm and repeat what Claudio has already said and indicated ...
... it is precisely the 404 page that is badly formatted, in addition to the "http" error ...
>!> http://www.winrk.co.uk/404page.html
1) ... at Step_5 correct the URL of the site with https;
2) ... operate Ctrl + Preview, and check if the 404 page is regular;
3) ... then at Step_5 carry out the complete export, total ...
That Norton warning about the site is a nuisance, and it is because it confuses the domain with a compression product called "winrk", which is absolutley nothing to do with me or winrk.co.uk
I have used the domain winrk.co.uk for over twenty years and assure you that it absolutley safe and is regularly used by my clients!
Thanks for your reply.
@Stephen , Si , sarà come dici... ma tutti quelli che hanno Norton , non potranno visitare il tuo sito ... sarà sicuramente un "falso-positivo" ma non è una bella pubblicità , senza contare che potrebbero metterlo in blacklist anche altri antivirus...
Non sottovalutare l'indicazione utile che ti ha dato John
Chiedi a Norton la revisione/controllo , da questo URL
Many thanks for your advice. Now corrected and working fine.
Thank you Claudio. I will follow through the link to Norton in order to see if I can get winrk.co.uk tagged as safe.
Claudio D
I have now submitted a change request to Norton, which they have actioned and recognised the www.winrk.co.uk website as safe. Thank you for giving me the link to do this - the incorrect warning message has been annoying my customers for years!
avevo visto giusto dell'errore nell'url !
Claudio D
I have now submitted a change request to Norton, which they have actioned and recognised the www.winrk.co.uk website as safe. Thank you for giving me the link to do this - the incorrect warning message has been annoying my customers for years!
Bene !
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