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John S.
John S.

New type of post  en

Author: John S.
Visited 1393, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I suggest that a new type of posts is made on this forum.

We have the:

Questions about the installation procedure, WebSite X5 functions, or doubts you wish to clarify before buying the program.

Suggesions regarding new functions you would like our team to develop or new services you would like Incomedia to start.

Praise the WebSite X5 software, the Incomedia support service or a member of the community that has been able to help you.


For reporting bugs and ask for help, we have the Question.

For reporting new ideas we would like to see in the X5 we have the idea post.

For giving thumbs-up we have the praise post.

I think the Question posts often is used to tell about things users find frustrating about the product.

I suggest we have a new type: Feedback to the X5 product.

Or they should rename the "Praise" to feedback, and change the text for it to something like this:

Praise the WebSite X5 software, the Incomedia support service or a member of the community that has been able to help you, or tell about the things that frustrates you about the product, and eventually what could be done to give a better product or a better service.

Posted on the
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

P.S. Perhaps this is my personal problem, but I do not receive notifications that someone replies to me in posts. frown

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
John S.
John S.

Hello Aleksej

I receive a mail when someone has replied to a post I have startedsmile

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Posted on the from John S.
Elisa B.

Hi John!

Thanks, I will report this suggestion.

Have a lovely day.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
JiPeR 48
JiPeR 48
Aleksej H.
Hello.... P.S. Perhaps this is my personal problem, but I do not receive notifications that someone replies to me in posts.

Hi Aleksej,

Reply notifications can only be activated on topics specifically opened by a user and only him..

Nice day to you,


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Posted on the from JiPeR 48
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hi JiPeR 48.

"Reply notifications can only be activated on topics specifically opened by a user and only him.." - For me, as a moderator, this is very inconvenient. cry

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
JiPeR 48
JiPeR 48

Hello Aleksej,

I agree with you ! We are obligated to verify all topics on which we respond.

I have been a French moderator since 2009, and on the old forum (...V7, V8, V9...) we had the possibility of being notified of each response, and we could exchange between us, in private, by email.

But that was a different time!! 

Have a nice weekend, and take care of you.


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Posted on the from JiPeR 48


Could be very nice to have possibility to flag / unflag any post from any user to receive email when a reply is posted because this post seems interesting.

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Posted on the from Axel  
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

"We are obligated to verify all topics on which we respond." - Yes, it takes extra time.

"Could be very nice to have possibility to flag / unflag any post from any user to receive email when a reply is posted because this post seems interesting." - yes, it could save time checking posts and finding new messages in them.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
John S.
John S.

This thread illustrates why I suggested a new type of post.

I made the post to suggest that we had a place where discussions could take place - a discussion type. Now the thread has turned into a discussion about receiving emails on reply. I would like if we could get back on the track and that users that wants a mail-on-reply feature would make an idea post for that.

The new type of post should be to avoid, that when a problem is reported, it is not always, that answers to the post is suggestions how to solve or avoid the problem. Often it is turned into topics that frustrates people.

I would like the questions-type-posts to be mainly about asking help for a problem and the answers to be of a kind that will solve the problem. 

It is not because i dislike a good discussion - I only want to get topics belong to where they belong.

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Posted on the from John S.