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Joe H.
Joe H.

Transfer files  en

Author: Joe H.
Visited 1315, Followers 1, Shared 0  

2 questions I've always wanted to know, but now I have a need to know:

It's possible to create a new folder in the directory, but how can I transfer a newly created file, i.e. 404 page, to that folder and then have it all uploaded to the server?  I want access to be able to move files.

Also, I see folders while on the software, particularly when I open the Destination folder, but where are they when I go into my computer or when I use a FTP client for file transfer?

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Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.


"It's possible to create a new folder in the directory, but how can I transfer a newly created file, i.e. 404 page, to that folder and then have it all uploaded to the server? I want access to be able to move files." -
You can use built-in tools or something like FileZilla.

"Also, I see folders while on the software, particularly when I open the Destination folder, but where are they when I go into my computer or when I use a FTP client for file transfer?" - on your computer these files can be found here "C:\My Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evo\Your project name\Upload". On the server, these files may be in the folder "public_html".

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Joe H.
Joe H.

So why can't I move files around while in the program?

Opening the attachment, tell me the simplest way to move the file circled to the folder indicated?

What you've indicated only refers to moving folders, 'go to previous', 'create' or 'deleting' folders.  Is it actually possible to move a file i.e. errorpage.asp to the 404 folder?  if so, how do I do it or is it only with an FTP client or similar.

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Posted on the from Joe H.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

You will have to download the "errorpage.asp" file to your computer. Delete this file from hosting. And upload this file to the "404" folder. It's some kind of movement.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Joe H.
Joe H.

Ok, ... or using a ftp client like FileZila is the easiest way.  Does seem strange that you can't manage the entire website files within the program itself.  Still used to Frontpage I guess. 

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Posted on the from Joe H.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Best User of the month IT

websiteX5 mette tutti i files (html, asp, php) nella ROOT , e le dipendenze (fogli stili CSS, immagini, etc) in sottocartelle...

Non ho capito perchè vuoi mettere il file 404 in una sottocartella ? 

se per una questione di ordine... ok... ma in pratica, non serve a nulla.

Visto che parli di Frontpage... chiedi poi dove sono i file che esporti... Attenzione che quei file , sono SOLO dei file generati , non sono il progetto di lavoro.

Il progetto va salvato facendo esporta progetto , al passo 5. (salvato anche su supporti esterni...)

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Posted on the from Claudio D.