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X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

My last query, thank you Incomedia  en

Author: X5 Croatia
Visited 1478, Followers 2, Shared 0  

I'm curious when you can expect (and you're really not serious when it comes to solving bugs and problems that users have, it's strange that someone doesn't sue you from the EU commission) solving the problem

:. with your ridiculous file manager that doesn't work even after 30 working days, not even pressed ctrl... blank window... Btw do you offer a replacement in the near future since you can't fix the bug?

:. manipulation of the amount in the warehouse and legal adjustments of the web shop!

:. after every new update, the application is slower and sometimes it is impossible to open the project directly from the project folder, you have to pull the backup...

:. upload to the server, which constantly reports that the website is not properly entered, and we connect properly through the folder view...

:. legal provisions, GDPR... and a lot of other problems, but I will be satisfied if this post remains public... Maybe someone else can help me because you obviously don't want to and it's very slow for you...

Posted on the
Andy W.
Andy W.

You are clearly very frustrated X5 Croatia. Please place a link to the thread you requested help with, and I will take a look.

If everyone were having issues, I have no doubt that Incomedia would be all over it like a rash. However, when only a handful of people have the same issue, it is more likely to be caused by other factors outside of the ‘norm’.

I must admit, I’m a little disappointed that issues such as empty cells causing hangs is still ongoing, but then I understand just how long writing code takes, and how complex bug tracking must be. And with regards to empty cells, there is a workaround, for now.

It’s important that the community be as complete as possible when asking for help. It’s also useful if people have a basic understanding of how their OS and other software (such as AV/Firewall) works-- much like owning a car.

It is not useful when individuals simply throw their dummy out of the pram because things are not going their way.

Lets take a look at the your problem.

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Posted on the from Andy W.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Yes, I'm frustrated Andy W because I pay for the app and update... for that I expect it to work... Slow solving problems with the application for me personally creates a loss in business if you have more clients who expect a solution immediately... I don't know about you Andy, but for me clients they call and bother with problems, they don't call Incomedia to solve problems... There aren't many bugs in this application, but at least those that are present should solve them immediately and not create something that no one asked for (a file manager that only creates problems for users...) I'm reading the forum, I don't understand why the company is giving itself problems that it can easily solve with a simple debugging platform that is available for free on this forum...

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Andy W.
Andy W.

Okay, then maybe you can explain to me why I am not having any of the issues many report on this forum? I use the Win11, I use WX5 Pro 2022.2.6, and I have a complex network consisting of various servers & clients.

So far, all but one of my posted issues was caused me! And, I was able to resolve these issues with a better understanding of how WX5 is meant to work.

I would like WX5 to support PHP8.1, but I can’t see how that’s going to happen when staff have to deal with people who do not understand how to uninstall a program, or how to access user/appdata, or how to make changes to their security for testing.

There is no-wonder why development is slow lol.

From Win10 onwards, updates have been a royal pain the ass. So, whenever MS releases a major update, I always download the latest installation media and clean-install the OS. I’m fortunate enough to have backups of everything, and I good understanding of how to use my machines, so this is pretty straight forward for me.

The number of people I have suggested buy a USB HDD for backups, who then look at me like I’m crazy is amazing. Yet, it’s usually these people who lose it when things go wrong.

It is indeed a mad world.

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Posted on the from Andy W.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Andy W i don't want to argue with you, but read the forum and you will see that I am not alone with these bugs, are you claiming that I am the only one posting problems? I do not understand...

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Andy W.
Andy W.

Not at all! But I will say that, from what I have read, many threads are (in my opinion) due to Windows Updates, Windows Defender/Firewall, or a lack of machine maintenance by the user.

It would be completely inappropriate for Incomedia or its moderators to simply say ‘It’s not our fault’. But I believe that in most cases, it’s not their fault.

I think staff & moderators do a fantastic job at handling the problems of others. And, that their support and guidance should never be taken for granted. I can’t speak for others, but I for one really appreciate them.

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Posted on the from Andy W.

Normally a software editor needs  to provide a software running in any configuration or to provide all limitations by minimum of requirement described into a manual to avoid conflicts (OS, patches level, software not compatible ..Etc...)

If another software or drivers blocks the software, their role is to identify the issue and to provide a fix as soon as possible... And when the bug is a blocking bug the reaction needs to be very fast to avoid to clock x users.

You cannot said: "our software runs correctly on a fresh windows 7". It is not acceptable. Or in this case you provide a full solution with an integrated OS on an appliance to be sure that the software is running into his recommended environment..

So to detect very quickly an issue, the best way is not to ask to the user to do that, to uninstall this one, and try to test this one or this one. The software editor needs to provide a full debugging tool with the software to get full traces during an action. The debugging tool needs to be activated by some commands into a config file, and also to provide different debugging level to have a very deeper traces to understand the issue and to provide the fix quickly..

It is not the role of the user/customer to do x tests to help the debug understanding

Just my experience after +20yrs with worldwide leader software editors.

And like said previously to provide a complete "Troubleshooting Guide"  is mandatory for a software editor to reduce support time and to loose time. Time is money for all.

Hope could be useful !

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Posted on the from Axel  

And to avoid any conflict in advance a software editor needs to have a full subscription (expensive) with Microsoft or other like MSDN to have all software updates before public releases, or Beta in advance to test the software inside before to release it and to have a very deeper testing phase ...

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Posted on the from Axel  
Andy W.
Andy W.

There are so many possibilities/factors that can cause issues. The correct solution can only be found if users 1) report as much detail on the problem/environment as possible, and 2) follow advice to the letter, and not decide for themselves what they will, or will not try. It is, unfortunately, a process of elimination. The fastest way to a solution for the user is take the suggestion(s) from people who deal with these kinds of issues regularly, or know the code intimately.

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Posted on the from Andy W.
Andy W.
Andy W.

I have seen a number of issues with software from companies far bigger than Incomedia after applying MS updates.

I personally believe that the onus lay with MS to accommodate the people who make their OS worthwhile.

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Posted on the from Andy W.
Andy W.
Andy W.

Do you think that MS included System Reset in the settings because other software companies keep messing up their OS?

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Posted on the from Andy W.


Not agree again.yell

A full deeper debugging tool is very faster. And you have all commands passed by the software and all results... By analysis with the source code you can discovered very quickly which code part is implicated.

The user action can be done one or 2 times not any more. After it is blabla because the editor has no knowledge of the error because again he has no error traces with line number or steps where the code has failed.

and again a troubleshooting guide or online database with all knowns errors and how to fix them if very useful to win time !! and to test, re-test, and re-re-test this situation to undertsand.

Customer is not the editor debbuger. foot-in-mouth

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Posted on the from Axel  
Andy W.
Andy W.

A troubleshooting guide or online database with all knowns errors is a very good idea! Did you make the suggestion?

Admittedly, it doesn’t help when one gets green ticks in the website test page, when in fact, something is unsupported. But hey-ho lol

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Posted on the from Andy W.
Andy W.
A troubleshooting guide or online database with all knowns errors is a very good idea! Did you make the suggestion?

yes , but I am a customer. Long time I proposed my help to Incomedia. No answers.
So now, it is not my role

Andy W.

Admittedly, it doesn’t help when one gets green ticks in the website test page, when in fact, something is unsupported. But hey-ho lol

Even with a troubleshooting database nothing is covered at 100%. But if you can reduce the support by 60/70% and to add systematically all new issues encountered (and how to fix it) into a database. I can promise to you that it is a very good time consumer reduction for the user, and the software editor company...

But everybody prefer to continue by this kind of forum....
It is a company strategy probably...foot-in-mouth

not the good one the take and win more  market shares....

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Posted on the from Axel  
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

This app has a future in the right hands... Axel You and I know that. I have been a user since version 8, and thanks to this app my business has grown, yes it has grown in the past. Now I'm falling down because I have to maintain websites and fight software flaws that could have been avoided if only they had listened... I'm sorry... Such a good piece of software... If only I had the source code... I would have adjusted him for himself...

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
Andy W.
Andy W.

X5 Croatia, I can almost guarantee that if you reinstall Windows, your issues will magically disappear. I understand how troublesome and daunting this can be for many, and should not be the goto solution for every problem. And, Axel is correct in saying this should not even be necessary. But if WX5 works perfectly after a clean OS-install, but not after a major Win update (as with some other software) who really needs the finger pointed at?

I promise you, it’s the Win update process.

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Posted on the from Andy W.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Andy W "if you reinstall Windows", reinstall databases, application's beside X5 that work flawlessly, adobe tools, accounts... Seem's to me Andy that you dont work in IT industry... Sorry for my comment, you speak nonsense.. .

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Posted on the from X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia
 Seem's to me Andy that you dont work in IT industry... Sorry for my comment, you speak nonsense.. .

You are right.  laughing

We cannot reinstall everything because a software does not run after a Microsoft update....or Cisco update ...Etc... 
Does a company re-install any system when something does not works.... Firewalls, routers, servers, clients PC ...etc
X5  is fully right...

Again it is the editor software company to alert users if a new other editor update does not works fine with their software... and no to the customer to alert the company about conflict...
our time is not for debugging... we paid for update...UPDATE PROTECTION.... pfffff...... nothing.

MSDN developer subscription is opened for that...

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Posted on the from Axel  
Andy W.
Andy W.
X5 Croatia
Andy W "if you reinstall Windows", reinstall databases, application's beside X5 that work flawlessly, adobe tools, accounts... Seem's to me Andy that you dont work in IT industry... Sorry for my comment, you speak nonsense.. .

Sorry, if ‘I’ reinstall Windows, I lose no database-of-significance, my applications are readily available from my server, all nicely arranged along with ALL kinds of ‘tools’. And accounts?.. Meh.

It’s a little off-topic; but you ARE correct; I do not work in IT. And yet, I repeat, I am not seeing any of the issues being reported. o_0

I hope this helps :o) Good night

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Posted on the from Andy W.
Stefano G.

Hello Croatia

I will attempt to answer your original questions, even though many of these were answered already on different topics:

1_ This issue specifically is known and as I mentioned in a different topic you opened, the fix for this will be coming in the next update. About this matter, I can only ask you to please be patient a little further until the early issues of the new system are sorted out.

2_ I am really not sure what legal adjustments you're talking about it. I would like to ask you to open up a new topic if there's a legal matter involved so that we might take a look at this together

3_ I can confirm that this is not the case and there has been no major amount of reports of issues with opening the projects after any recent update. Projects can come in many different versions, often much older, which can bring a few situations along, but as always we're available here to help you sort these out whenever they should appear.

4_ This issue has been discussed at length with you being an issue with your hosting provider only specifically. Due to the difficulties in analyzing the situation with it, the problem is currently stalled but the issue exists for no other hosting at the moment

I remain available in case any further clarification is necessary. In order to report a specific problem you require assistance with, I would like to ask you please open a dedicated topic per each issues, since it is impossible for me to properly assist you in a topic where many generic issues are mentioned

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia


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Posted on the from X5 Croatia