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Christine C.
Christine C.

I Need help with my blog posting  en

Author: Christine C.
Visited 1694, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi All I have attepted to post a comment onto my blog, when I go to the send button I get the following message, Can anyone please tell me why this is happening, it does not happen on all blog postings only on just one have I done something wrong. Any help pleae in pain simple terms as I am not a whiz Kid 

Thank You

Not Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

Posted on the
Christine C.
Christine C.

Sorry I need help not sent to another link. I did mention I am not very good with computers, I would like you to guild me through step by step, If you are unable to do this please pass me onto someone who can. I did try to open the \htaccess file but was unable ,maybe some help in this direction would be helpful. Chrstine

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Posted on the from Christine C.
Andy W.
Andy W.

I’ve not long woken up. Lemme get a tea down ma neck, then I’ll start taking screenshots and create detailed instructions for you, Christine.

In basic terms, you can use the FTP manager (Step 5) to manage/access the files on the hosting server. A quick look tells me you will need to retrieve the .htaccess file, edit, then upload via the FTP manager.

I will elaborate further soon (unless this helps you to understand in the meantime)

I will be back.

  1. I have no power to raise this with anyone else, sorry.
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Posted on the from Andy W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Maybe contact the support of the web host, who can certainly help with that.

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Andy W.
Andy W.

.htaccess in site root can be overruled further up the stack. So, if editing the site .htaccess doesn’t work, it will then be necessary to make contact with the host, Daniel.

We’ll see.

And, good morning Daniel :o)

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Posted on the from Andy W.
Christine C.
Christine C.

I can go to the htaccess file but I am unable to open or edit\download it  if I can get into it I will be able to see what is within it and look for any key words that may stop that one blog being from posting comments on it .all the other blogs are working fine , there maybe a key word that has been blocked for comments being posted on that blog that has in the head lines Freemasons that I have created. This happens Only on this file this happens with, the part of  main wordings headline Freemason, but vistors are unable to post comments regard this one Blog. all others are working fine.

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Posted on the from Christine C.
Andy W.
Andy W.

Okay, here’s what to do:-

Select ‘Upload’ on Step 5 in WX5. Then open the FTP manager:

Select .htaccess, then hit the download button:

Save the file to your desktop:

Open the file in Notepad:

Add the suggested solution at the end of the file:

<IfModule mod_security.c>

  SecFilterEngine Off

  SecFilterScanPOST Off


Then hit save:

Then upload the file to the server from your desktop with WX5 FTP Manager.

Lets us know if this fixes the problem please?

Thank you.

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Posted on the from Andy W.
Andy W.
Andy W.

Based on what I have read in my half-awake state, your host is using some kind of filter. Hopefully, the changes made here will override the filter. If not, then personally I would contact my hosting provider and say “Oi, No!” lol.

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Posted on the from Andy W.