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Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Ftp Performance with High cpu Usage  en

Author: Harvey M.
Visited 1362, Followers 1, Shared 0  

In good faith I upgraded my X5 Pro from v17 to v2022 expecting new features and improved performance.

When using X5 Pro v17 to export my website via FTP process inbuilt to upload it, the process took around 2 minutes.

But now since the expensive upgrade, within v2022 it takes over an hour to complete maxing out my CPU as per the attached screen capture.

Just the collection process of what to send, takes around 45 minutes, the folder creation took another 15 and then the file transfer took another 15 minutes.

I’ve now had to resort to using a third-party FTP software and upload them myself from a file export, which takes around 3 minutes in total to find the folders changed and upload them.

For an upgrade to v2022 this is completely unacceptable, meaning my website now takes hours to change using standard product.

Posted on the
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

How big is the website in MB? For me, uploading with Evo 2022.2.9 takes less than 1 minute.

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The error is usually on your own PC and the connected drives or cloud drives as well as the other programs on the PC.

Possibly restart the PC and not just switch it off and on again, maybe the problem will be fixed then.

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Posted on the from Daniel W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Harvey, generally speaking the performance of WX5 in getting your site online should not take much longer than saving the project, exporting the website and then using a 3rd party FTP program to do the upload (although the internal FTP performance is a little slower than Filezilla in my experience).

Unless you imported your v17 project from an iwzip file could you please create an iwzip (step 5, export project) and then restart WX5 and import your newly created iwzip (please note that this will not overwrite your existing project). Feel free to make a change or 2 if you wish and upload your website (this should be a full upload and may take considerable time), when done, return to WX5 and make further changes and again upload your website (this will be new and changed only). Is the performance now more acceptable?

If you opened your v17 project in the current release and then uploaded to your hosting this would have required every file to be uploaded and replaced initially. Please also be aware that some changes (eg header, footer, advertising, privacy banner, etc) will require every page to be uploaded afresh.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Hi Daniel,

In answer to the size it's 182Mb with 5,800 files in total.

I'll try Esahc ... advice but I'm sure the biggest issue here is the newer FTP process via Visual Studio being attacked by Windows Defender on every file transfer.

I'm running X5 Pro in a virtual machine running on a host with an two year old i7 processor.  So why it the CPU load maxing out at 100% at times.

If Winscp is used instead the once I've identified the files to change from an hour to 2 to 3 minutes.

Sounds like a lack of SOAP testing the performance of the new X5 method vs the old.

Regards, Harvey

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Good luck Harvey.

Why are you running in a virtual machine? Have you tried disabling Defender for the duration of the upload?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Hi Esahc ...

The reason why I'm running it in a VM, is because it’s independent of the host machine, if your company upgrades your i7 laptop every few years you don’t want to uninstall and reinstall and configure it again when a new laptop arrives. Also, my corporate employer does like unknown software’s to be installed on their laptops as they monitor every 10 minutes.

I've also just upgraded X5 Pro from 2022.2.6 to 2022.2.9 to see if the latest copy if any better.

With the Windows Firewall and Anti-Virus (Windows Security as shown in the Task Manager) is fully switched off, as you can see in the attached screen captures, it’s taken more than 1 hour to move from the initial 43% to 50%, once 55% was reached things start to speed up and 70% was hit after 1 hour 40 minutes, this is all in the building of the files to upload phase, not the upload itself.

The Microsoft Process Monitor shows that certain files are being written to time multiple times like the same css being hit 20 times in a row instead of written once.  The whole time the CPU never drops under 25% meaning it's only using 1 of the 4 virtual cores allocated on a SSD NVMe M2 drive the VM sits on using 8Gb of RAM from the host running 32Gb of RAM with a native 2.2Ghz and 3.8Ghz in peak mode.

Once the files have all been checked, which it the most time-consuming part the actual upload of the files it's found is much faster than selecting them in the first place.

After 2 hours 19 minutes the initial 100% search phase is over and the Folder Creation Phase starts, this is much quicker and takes around 8 minutes with a much lower CPU load.  After that's completed the export upload phase is started and took 7 minutes.

So the initial phase 2 hours 19 minutes and the Folder and Upload phase took 15 minutes, to end to end 2 hours and 31 minutes for 5800 files that hasn't even changed, only the upgrade had occured to make it spend so long in the initial phase, but if done again I'm sure that phase would take around 1 hour.

I'll attach each screen capture within a new post due to the iimitations of the size allowed as Export00? for each number.

Regards, Harvey

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 002

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 003

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 004 - Progress Bar at 46pct after 19 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 005 - Progress Bar at 47pct after 32 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 006 - Progress Bar at 50pct after 1 Hour

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 007 - Progress Bar at 70pct after 1 Hour 40 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 008 - Progress Bar at 76pct after 2 Hours

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 009 - Progress Bar at 100pct is reached at 2 Hours 19 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 010 - Folder Creation at Progress Bar at 44pct is reached at 2 Hours 24 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 011 - Upload Export Phase at Progress Bar at 0pct is reached at 2 Hours 27 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 012 - Upload Export Phase at Progress Bar at 50pct is reached 4 minutes later at 2 Hours 31 minutes

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Export 013 - Upload Export Phase at Progress Bar at 99pct at 2 Hours 34 minutes

Near the end of the whole process

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Harvey, I have marked your post for Incomedia's attention. Perhaps they can shed some light on these excessive times.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Stefano G.

Hello Harvey

This is most certainly not the default way the software behaves, and this likely indicates something interfering with the software operation when attempting to build all the correct files to upload.

As a test, could you try and start a new project from one of our free included templates?

If you just open it up and try to export that somewhere, maybe a subfolder of your website, does it take the same amount of time?

Please try this out and keep me posted here

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Harvey M.
Harvey M.

Good morning, Stefano

I'll give that try and let you know.

Guess to make it representative, I'll try to pick a template site with a percentage of the same amount of files I'm using which is around 5,800.  Most templates only produce 20 or 30 files, so I'll scale it up 1% of my site size then try it.

Windows Defender with AV and Firewall was disabled during my testing, with no other AV or Firewall installed.

Should get a chance to try it over the weekend.

Thanks for your help, regards Harvey

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Posted on the from Harvey M.
Stefano G.

Buongiorno Claudio

Nessun problema, se vuoi verificare la cosa assieme aprimi gentilmente un topic privato dedicato, così facciamo qualche verifica 



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Posted on the from Stefano G.