Object Table doesn't change for mobily design? 
Author: Aivars Abc
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table object doesn't change for mobile design? on the screen under the table there is a scroll to the sides. why is that. i use the table everywhere. e.g. text on the left side, picture on the right side. you can do a lot of block down. and it will be only one table object. why the table doesn't make the right design for mobile? if done without a table, then there will be a lot of objects down. how many objects can be down?
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Aivars Abc, unfortunately the table object is not responsive.
If you use page layout to emulate a table then I believe the maximum number of rows is now 96
... hello Aivars Abc, ...(It > En) ... if you place the link of your page online, the situation could be assessed in practice and be able to act accordingly...
... however you can also do it yourself, and here you will find one of my exclusive inventions that you can customize:
on one grid, how many can be the maximum number of rows down to set different objects?
... as Esahc .. said ...
>> FAQ: 96 rows and 12 columns
... in the Guide the values of the old structure are still reported:
>> Guide: 64 rows x 12 columns ...!...
Ok thank you.