Thank you all for the answers
Author: D M.
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Thanks everyone for your replies and I'll give them a try. I have already purchased WebAnimator recently and need to learn the features to be able to add movies and features to my web page. Therefore, I wanted an easy way to be able to do it in WebSite x5pro. The function is in Dreamweaver already and is just to draw on the image and link where you want. Also wondering if there is any addition to adding a live chat where people can log in and then write directly on the page so it is visible live so everyone can read these posts.
Posted on the
"Also wondering if there is any addition to adding a live chat where people can log in and then write directly on the page so it is visible live so everyone can read these posts."
You can start a blog, and then give access for people to make comments to your blog-posts. You can set if users comments should be visible at once, or if you have to accept them (as admin)
But - it is only you that can start a blog post.
Tack. Bra idè Jag har en blogg som jag skriver själv. Jag har ställt in den att folk ska kunna
kommentera, men jag vill ha en sida som folk kan själva lägga in kommentarer i realtid och
andra ska kunna svara direkt på dom. Det enda jag vill är att dom ska logga in på sitt konto eller logga in med bankid och sen skriva. Givetvis med uppförande regler. Netikett. Men tack för svaret.
Thanks. Good idea I have a blog that I write myself. I've set it up so people can
comment, but I want a page that people can post comments themselves in real time and
others must be able to answer them directly. The only thing I want is for them to log in to their account or log in with a bank ID and then write. Of course with rules of conduct. Netiquette. But thanks for the answer. If you know different ways so please write to me.
You could then use free blog software or maybe this:
You can still use X5 for the rest of your site and then link to the "extern" blog.
If a blog is important for you, then you should consider using WordPress - it is probably the best blog software.