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Peter H.
Peter H.

This happened after installing an update.  en

Author: Peter H.
Visited 985, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Milý Stefano,
prepáč, že ťa znova otravujem. Stretla som sa s anomáliou, ktorej vôbec nerozumiem. Do sekcie "STRÁŽNI ANJELI" som pridala ďalšiu kategóriu a to "50 KRYŠTÁLOVÝCH ANJEKOV" s ich fotkami. Chcel som však nahrať aj video súbor mp4 a neumožňuje mi to. Stalo sa to po inštalácii aktualizácie. Prečo sa to deje?


Posted on the
Stefano G.

Hello Peter

Can you please show me a few screenshots of where exactly the mp4 is being added? 

Could it be that you need to click on the little arrow here to get what you need?

I remain available here



Ahoj Peter

Môžete mi prosím ukázať pár screenshotov, kde presne sa pridáva mp4?

Je možné, že musíte kliknúť na malú šípku tu, aby ste získali to, čo potrebujete?

Zostávam tu k dispozícii


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Peter H.
Peter H.

Dear Stefano,

so simply. foot-in-mouth

Thank you, already it is going


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Posted on the from Peter H.
Peter H.
Peter H.

Hi Stefano,
please explain about the license. I feel like sometime ago I noticed that my license is unlimited. Now I received an email that it ends on 15.3.2023. What happens if I don't renew by one year?
well thank you

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Posted on the from Peter H.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

It's actually quite simple: You can use the program anytime. As long as your license is valid, you will receive all updates. If you renew the license, this happens at a special price (about 50% discount). If you don't renew, you can still continue to use the program, but you won't get any more updates. If you want to have the latest version again later, you have to buy a new license.

Note: if you have a new question, you should open a new post. This makes processing and finding a solution easier.

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Posted on the from Franz-Josef H.