WebSite X5Help Center

Tage R.
Tage R.

Tilpas billeder til mobil visning  en

Author: Tage R.
Visited 1064, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I have a website called "" which when it is displayed on mobile is not correct, I can make it adapt to mobile and tablets with some settings, PC is okay.

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John S.
John S.

Goddag Tage

Det ser ud som om dit projekt oprindelig er lavet med X5 ver. 12 og derefter er konverteret til X5 Evo 2022.2.11 - er det korrekt?

Hvis det er tilfældet bør du nok se på din header og sørge for at den er lavet så den passer til den nyere version.

Normalt med et site af den størrelse du har, så er det bedre at starte med et "rent" projekt. Det kan nemt være hurtigere end at rette op på alle de fejl og uhensigtsmæssigheder der opstår ved konverteringer fra ver. 10, 11 og 12. Især ved disse tidlige versioner er der sket mange ændringer i forhold til de nyere versioner.

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Posted on the from John S.
John S.
John S.

Jeg gætter på at du kan lave et nyt site på omkring 4 timer. Det kan nemt tage længere tid at fejlfinde.

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Posted on the from John S.
Tage R.
Tage R.

It is correct that it was made in 12 and then, converted to Evo, and at one point I also got a message from Google that it was not good for tablets and phones.
Regarding whether I use home.html or index.html, I'm probably not clear on how to delete "home" and only use "html!.
Another thing is that I have acquired WebSite X5 Pro, where I am in the process of setting up "B&B LoChalet" which if it will run well, will either replace the other site or they can run separately, I have bought a new domain that I want to move to WebSite X5 hosting.
But until B&B LoChalet is up and running, the other person would like to be able to use phones and tablets, because many people today use phones to find accommodation.

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Posted on the from Tage R.
Stefano G.

Hello Tage

Looking at your website, it seems like the Responsive Mode in Step 2 was never enabled for your project. I advise looking at our official guide here on the matter:

This will guide you through the basic of how to make a responsive website with WebSite X5

Please do let me know if anything is unclear after

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.