Speak out loud the wording on web page 
Author: Bill G.
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Help for people with disabilities
Can we have a facility for a webpage to be read out loud for people with disabilities.
Microsoft already have it available on their products.
Posted on the
People with visual impairments may already have a screen reader installed on their computer that reads the web pages to them.
A reading function is built into the Edge browser, key combination Ctrl+Shift+U.
Since I don't have a mobile phone myself, I can't test it, but there is a read-aloud function for Android, see
>> https://support.google.com/accessibility/android/answer/7349565?hl=en
Accessible websites are a complex matter and something for experts, as there are many things to consider, e.g. people who are restricted in their movements or who can only understand the texts in a simple language.
If the website is to be created for an official organization that has higher requirements for disabled websites, then a specially programmed website by an expert with experience in this field may be required.
Hi Bill,
I fear the software doesn't include this feature at the moment, I am sorry about that. If you want to, I can turn this message into an improvement suggestion.
Please let me know. Kind regards.