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rohit H.
rohit H.

Order not getting delivered to email and form submit not getting to email  en

Author: rohit H.
Visited 975, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I am using PHP 7.4.33 on my server. 

Everytime I submit a form or click buy now button. the email not going to email at all. 

I am using sendmail for the same. with gmail login (same login test is working on another server of mine with same coding for sendmail. but not working on my other project with same coding instead it is generating an error in error log

I am using Apache, Mysql and PHP

Share the log information here. copy paste it in note pad without setting "WORD WRAP" feature

please help.

[09-Dec-2023 17:09:07 UTC] PHP Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in E:\wamp64\www\fairdeals365\res\PHPMailerAutoload.php on line 45
[09-Dec-2023 17:09:07 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[09-Dec-2023 17:09:07 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() E:\wamp64\www\fairdeals365\cart\x5cart.php:0
[09-Dec-2023 17:09:07 UTC] PHP 2. ImCart->sendOwnerEmail() E:\wamp64\www\fairdeals365\cart\x5cart.php:22
[09-Dec-2023 17:09:07 UTC] PHP 3. ImCart->sendEmail($isOwner = TRUE, $from = '***', $to = '***') E:\wamp64\www\fairdeals365\res\x5engine.php:1290
[09-Dec-2023 17:09:07 UTC] PHP 4. ImSendEmail->send($from = '***', $to = '***', $subject = 'Order number 231209-UM56', $text = 'Order number: 231209-UM56\nInvoice Address/Shipping address\nFirst Name: Rohit Handa\nAddress: 4/41, Nirmal Puri Old Double Storey\nZIP/Postal Code: 110024\nMobile Phone: 9910985993\nEmail address: ***\n\n\nProduct list\nArora Lemon- MRP: 288, Offer Price: 200\n 2 x Rs 200.00 = Rs 400.00\n\n\nShipping - Same day delivery: Rs 0.00\nPayment - Cash on Delivery: Rs 0.00\nTotal price: Rs 400.00\n\nPayment\nCash on Delivery\n\nShipping\nSame day delivery', $html = '<table border=0 width="100%" style="[email:contentStyle]">\n<tr><td colspan="2" style="[email:contentFontFamily] text-align: center; font-weight: bold;font-size: 1.11em">Order number: 231209-UM56</td></tr>\n<tr>\n\t<td colspan="2" style="[email:contentFontFamily] padding: 20px 0 0 0;">\n\t\t<h3 style="font-size: 1.11em">Invoice Address/Shipping address</h3>\n\t\t\n\t\t<table widt

Posted on the
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I have a demo shop (i am using PHP 8.1) have under ...

----- WebSite X5 -----

5 Export > Export the website to the Internet / Parameters

_____________/ email

... these settings used, see screenshot below

In my demo shop, email delivery works with WebSiteX5.

Since the domain email address leads to the mailbox at my web hosting provider, I have set up an email forwarding there to my other email address at Freenet.

This means I can receive all emails in my Freenet mailbox, sometimes emails end up in the spam folder.

Demo Shop >> (For testing only, not for sale)

If you want to try out email delivery as a test customer.




Domain mailadress: contact(at) - (at) replace with @

Read more
Posted on the from Daniel W.