Pre-sale questions 
Author: Stewart Lindenberger
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re: Website X5 Evo
1) I own a domain - can I put the pages this product produces on my site? If so, does will it have an expiration/renewal period or is it mine to keep?
2) Can I use FTP to look at the site it built?
3) Is there an online site control panel?
4) can I specify the sizes of the objects and placements on the page?
5) does it have a large choice of fonts?
6) what level of support is offered?
Posted on the
Yes to all except possibly 3, what do you wish to change / control with site control panel?
Purchase WX5 and it and any projects you create never expire. If you choose not to renew, the version you purchase will be yours to use forever. If you choose to renew you will get new versions and updates for another 12 months.
The Incomedia employees will be available during office hours in Italy from January 2nd and can then answer questions in the community.
The Incomedia employees would have to explain what happens with the inclusive web space if the license expires after 1 year, since I use web space from another provider myself.
The program can be used for an unlimited period of time; the license must only be extended if you want updates to the program.
My answers to the individual questions:
(Note: I am not an Incomedia employee)
1) Incomedia would have to say what happens to the inclusive web space if the license is not renewed.
I don't use the included web space and was able to continue using the Evo version I purchased in 2018 even after the one-year license (which is actually a license for updates) expired.
2) The FTP window in WebSiteX5 can be used or a separate FTP program, e.g. FileZilla, to view the files on the web space.
In WebSiteX5 there is also the export function "Export Website" to export the website to the hard drive and view the files and HTML code.
3) There is an online control panel, but it has few functions in the Evo version, see
4) There is a grid system in WebSiteX5 to place the objects. The width given to the objects in the grid determines the width on the website. The height depends on the content in the object.
Since responsive websites are now required for smartphones, tablets and desktop PCs with different screen widths, the website views vary depending on the device. You can leave this to WebsiteX5 or specify when adjacent objects should be placed one below the other.
5) Additional fonts can be set up by selecting from a variety of free Google Fonts that can be set up online or offline.
Paid fonts from various providers can also be used.
6) There is support here in the community from other users, the moderators and Incomedia employees.
There is also telephone contact or the contact form on the website, see