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Dragan S.
Dragan S.

Shopping cart/ e-mail doesn't work  en

Author: Dragan S.
Visited 1976, Followers 1, Shared 24  
Tags: cart,shopping

Hi! Twenty days ago we bought your application WEB site X5 Evolution 9,ver. which contains e-commerce. We are satisfied with software concept andease of use. We created in the application the web site which includes e-commerce and we uploaded it on the host server. Everything works except that the order of acquired products does not come to the e-mail address of the seller. We do not know whether we are doing something wrong in the procedure or the problem lies within application routines. Please, help us solve this problem. Thank you for your assistance.

Sincerely yours, Dragan Supe, Director of Studies

 P.S. Yes, we checked the previous posts and they did not solve our problem!

You can check the problem directly on

Posted on the

when you start the Wbbsite X5 package you will see an option called preferences.

email form type must be set to standard script

email form data submission type set to Send as POST

I have attached an image of the screen where you select the email types

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™


Open your project and go to Advanced settings, select shopping cart and the customer details. in the righthand side insert you email address and on the left hand side check that you have checked email address. This will be the email of any customer who enters that field - this will enable you on the right to receive an order via mail and and on the left them to receive a copy of the order. I have attached the screen image for clarity.

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Posted on the from FLAGSA ™
Dragan S.
Dragan S.


First of all, both of your answers aren't helping at all. We are way past those beginner stuff.

We contacted a programmer who works for our service provider and he says that after carefully reviewing the .php file containing the script which should send the e-mail he is certain that it doesn't work and that the problem is within it. 

To tell you the truth, your product did seem too good to be true.


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Posted on the from Dragan S.
Noemi W.

Hi Dragan S.,

we have checked your website and we have noticed that your are using a not updated version of WebSite X5 Evolution 9.

In order to solve the problem please update your software to version 9.0.6.

To do that, open that program and select the item "Updates".

Afterwards, just export your whole project again. 

Kind Regards,


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Posted on the from Noemi W.
Dragan S.
Dragan S.

I have to apologize for the sarcasm in my previous comment. This has solved the problem. Thank you very much! (I'm not being ironic here :-)

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Posted on the from Dragan S.