Projects will not load 
Author: Jack T.I am using version 2024.2.8. The Project is 2024.2.7 (it would not load with this and I then installed the update to 2024.2.8).
When I try to load a project from my list I receive a message "An error occurred while loading the project. [Access to the path is denied]". I have checked the access rights to the folder and there does not seem to be a problem. This occurs will all projects. I have deleted and reinstalled Website X5. I have copied a project to a different folder with the same result. I have checked my preferences to ensure that the "projects folder" is showing correctly and changed it to various new folders after moving a copy of the project to them.
Published website
Can you point me to a possible solution.
Thank you
Hello Jack,
I am sorry for the issue.
Could you please try disabling antivirus/firewall, and running Website X5 as admin?
Let me know if anything changes when trying to open the project.
Are the paths you have placed the projects in related to a cloud platform such as OneDrive, or are they all local folders?
Thank you.
Hi Eric,
Running Website X5 as admin had no affect.
I was then giving some thought to your suggestions when I remembered that I had removed my Norton anti virus some weeks ago and am now using Windows Defender (or its new name). I modified some anti virus settings and this solved the problem.
All folders are local.
Many thanks for your help.