Error loading website after update evo from version 2024.2.7 --> 2024.2.8 
Author: Hans Schalk
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After trying to update EVO version 2024.2.7. to 2024.2.8, I've got an error message while trying to open my website ( See error message in attachement. It says a fault has occured during removing the website, but I'm not removing anything. I'm just trying to open it after the update.
I have also tried to import a copy, but it doesn't work either, as I get the same error-message!
Please give me the solution to this problem.
Thansk and regards,
Hans SChalk.
Posted on the
Hello Hans,
I am sorry about the issue.
Could you provide me with a copy of the folder of this project, so that I can take a closer look?
By default, it should be stored at the path C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evo, unless the directory has been changed (this can be checked in the preferences menu).
Please make a copy of the folder, archive it into a .zip/.rar file, and upload it with
You can then send the download link to sales @ (without spaces).
Thank you.
Thanks Eric. I've just send the download link.
Hello Hans,
I have replied with a download link and some instructions.