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Matthew E.
Matthew E.

Qr Code Generator Object Features not showing per screenshot  en

Author: Matthew E.
Visited 544, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I previously asked:

"I just purchased the Object: 'QR Code Generator.' What I received does not match the description of what I was expecting; no logo inclusion, no different colors or styles, no .jpg or .png image files available as downloads. How can I get these features?"

Eric's incorrect response as demonstrated by screenshot(918) attached is: "the settings you mention can be found in the Graphic tab, where you can change the size, margin, color of the background, color/style of the squares and dots, and add a logo at the center of the QR code." This is not correct as evidenced by the screenshot now attached that proves I only have the size and margin features .

We are in a revolving door where I have now demonstrated that my question still remains unresolved, even though you say that I have these features and have closed my post with your statement "This post was signed as solved by the author or the Incomedia staff."

I repeat: This post is NOT solved.

We can to a screen share if you are up for that, but you will need to initiate that at a mutually convenient day and time. I am in NJ on Eastern Time, US.

Thank you.


Posted on the
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. "does not match the description of what I was expecting; no logo inclusion, no different colors or styles, no .jpg or .png image files available as downloads." - please provide a link to the page where you saw this description.

I found this and this.

As far as I can see, I can change the color, links and download png file.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

And here is the logo insert. I added the RSS icon.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Best User of the month IT

there are two qrgenerator objects
an old and deprecated one and a new one, the one that Eric from STAFF and Aleksey illustrated to you
Are you sure you are using the right (new) one ?

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Matthew E.
Matthew E.

I agree that I can see it too on your screenshot, but not mine. I still cannot see it now when I just checked again. Can you advise how I can get the newer object as I must have the old one?

I can send the current screenshot, but it is the same as the previous one.

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Posted on the from Matthew E.
Eric C.

Hello Matthew,
what does the icon of the object look like? Is it this one?
If so, this is the new version.

Have you tried clicking here to open the dropdown menu?


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Posted on the from Eric C.
Matthew E.
Matthew E.

PROGRESS. i have not tried that. It works, except for the logo. I find it on my local machine, but it does not uplload. See screenshot(919)

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Posted on the from Matthew E.
Matthew E.
Matthew E.

The demo asks me to:

"Please enter your promotion code or html page name: Exemple here: contact.html"

I have no idea what to enter. Can you please advise?

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Posted on the from Matthew E.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

"PROGRESS. i have not tried that. It works, except for the logo. I find it on my local machine, but it does not uplload. See screenshot(919)" - I see this on my computer too. It seems like it should be like that. Click on the preview and you will see your QR code with the logo.

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Posted on the from Aleksej H.
Matthew E.
The demo asks me to: "Please enter your promotion code or html page name: Exemple here: contact.html" I have no idea what to enter. Can you please advise?

Like explained by the message...! laughing put contact.html to construct on fly the QR code and the link...
And when you click on the button you go to this page link.

Just for the demo obviously.

Other infos at the bottom of page


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Posted on the from Axel  
Matthew E.
Matthew E.

All seems to be working for now, so we can close the support ticket. Thank you all.


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Posted on the from Matthew E.