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Kalle H.
Kalle H.

The translator's problem  en

Author: Kalle H.
Visited 352, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Laitoin kielenkääntäjäobjektin verkkosivustolleni verkkosivuston otsikkoosaan, eikä se näy, paitsi "koko näytön" näytössä (PC-koko).

Kun tutkin Google-kääntäjää, heidän sivullaan sanottiin, että kääntäjä toimii vain "koko näytöllä", joten sitä ei voida saada toimimaan alemman resoluution näytöillä.

Päteeko tämä heidän sanomaansa myös WebSite X5 Google-kääntäjän omaan objektiin, että kääntäjä toimii vain "koko näytöllä"?

Tällöinkin kyseisestä Google-kääntäjästä kaikkien aakkosten kielivalinnat eivät näy kääntäjän koko näytöllä, vaan p on viimeinen kirjain, jolla kielen voi valita aakkosista. Onko se vain hyväksyttävää, vai voitko saada kaikki aakkoset näkyviin, kun valitset Google-kielen selaimessa.

Kiitos avustasi.

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 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

(It > En)... ... the problem has already been reported several times and is already under observation by the STAFF, for example here:
...if you still want to use the program object itself and you are interested, now you can solve it with my exclusive EXTRA code, which can be applied in a second via copy/paste and you can get a result similar to this STAMP/simulation:

... if you are interested in using my code you must notify me and also post your LINK so that I can check what to do...




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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Kalle H.
Kalle H.

Focus on the matter. I wanted to know if the Google translator object is only possible to work in "full screen size" and if the function of the object can somehow be made to work so that all the languages ​​of the alphabet can be selected for it.

As for the links you gave for the problem, they didn't clear it up.

I searched Google translator, the issue from your discussions, but there I couldn't find a solution to my issue.

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Posted on the from Kalle H.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Kalle H.
... ... ...  I searched Google translator, the issue from your discussions, but there I couldn't find a solution to my issue.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
(It > En)... ... ... ... if you are interested in using my code you must notify me and also post your LINK so that I can check what to do. ..... ... ... 

... sorry, maybe I didn't understand, ...and I didn't even understand if you're interested in my solution, ...but if you're interested in my code that regularizes the google translate object of the program as seen from my STAMP for all resolutions, then you do as I asked you before, post your LINK and so I'll come back here...


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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Kalle H.
Kalle H.

I found the google translator code on the internet, which I used to get a large resolution screen to display a language translator with a scrolling list of languages ​​to be translated. This is how the object displays all alphabets in translatable languages.

This resolved the issue, although the translator does not appear on screens with lower resolutions.

Sorry for the trouble I caused. As far as I'm concerned, the matter has been dealt with to the end.

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Posted on the from Kalle H.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... OK ... if you need more clarification let me know...
... in the meantime I remembered that my code that I invented for this DE Topic to follow, I had made it universal, and I think that it can be applied to all sites made with our WSx5 program with a simple and immediate copy/paste...
... this is the Topic with my code:




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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪