Webshop inquiry 
Author: X5 CroatiaFor the umpteenth time I ask you, you present the application as a top tool for websites and web stores, and you use other tools in your online products (Web design, web store, web store payment...) and you sell us the fog that everything works...
Why doesn't the X5 application, web store work like in the link above?
I can't run online checkout in your applications through any system possible offered... Therefore, it is very unprofessional of you to promote something that you don't use yourself, you don't believe in your own product? Why do that... It's as if you are ashamed that the application is not adapted to all today's standards... I want to mention the Breakdance wordpress system, which is too good and does the job properly...
I have been a long-time user, but I think that your system lags far behind the competition and that big users like me who have more than 100 web projects in their portfolio have nothing more to do with your system...
I'm very sorry because you had so much potential, you had a superb vision, which unfortunately went in a sales direction and not in an innovative one...
I am sorry if you are encountering issues with the e-commerce functions, could you please provide additional details?
Is there a website currently online that I could inspect for errors? Thank you.
to follow X5 Croatia.
it's not an issue on specific website
it's a general issue from Incomedia with the eCommerce part which is not PRO !!!!
that's all
you need to rebuilt the eCommerce from scratch. if not, your business for this will be the end for you !
Personaly I asked since long time to re-dev this ecommerce part. actually WSX5 is out on this !!!! But nothing. all relaeases are just some bugfix . never new useful functionnalities
tomorrow will be too late
and like you never listen customers needs it's why next year I will stop to renew the license.
It's a pity but sometime it's necessary to do a choice
for me the eCommerce part is already dead....
good luck !!!!
Axel, you took the words from my mouth. Respect... INCOMEDIA WAKE UP !!! YOU WILL SOON LOOSE YOUR CUSTOMERS THAT WAY...
@Croatia, Axl, :
I totally agree with you!
I just don't understand what you're still doing here... I've been hearing you complain for over a year, take the plunge and just switch!
I switched to Wordpress myself and have recently also been running sites with AI via Hostinger. Works great and as far as e-commerce is concerned it's a breath of fresh air; All payment options can be installed, up to date shop. Never check the entire site again when there's an update. X5 is nice for a site that provides some information, if you want a shop you really have to go somewhere else because X5 is already so far behind in that area that catching up is almost impossible.
Jan Van Den Berg Agree... Thank you for you opinion.
It's really time to go away.... Again. it's a pity.....

Toweb, Mobirise, Wordpress (and Prizy), Hostinger, Abencart, Nicepage ......
As you can see, I worked on competitors...
It's time to go...
I am very sorry, that such a potentially good application has gone in the wrong direction... Clients who have been with Incomedia for a very long time are not listened to. The application has so much room for additional development and breakthrough in the market even more, but it seems that it is not in their interest... But what can we do, that's how it goes...
Hi. I'm also now mainly using WordPress and WooCommerce for sites with up-to-date functionality, especially if it's E-commerce. For small showcase sites I still use Website X5 but, slowly, I am also abandoning the Incomedia software. When you have a certain level of e-commerce needs, Website X5 shows all its limitations, unfortunately.
WebSite X5 is for users who are overwhelmed with Wordpress or have previously failed with it.
Daniel, sorry for my English, I'm Italian... I believe that problems with WordPress can only occur if you don't know how to use it properly and if you don't fully understand how to master it. I've never had problems with WordPress.
Well, I am also quite sad about ecommerce functions....Mainly what I miss is a standard category and subcategory system which I need to be displayed on the left side, as with all other webshops anywhere, but in website x5, we simply do not have it, only awkward search function window which is useless and non-standard for any customer..... I stopped renewing my license since 2023 because as without this absolutely essential webshop feature it is simply useless..... or you can use it only if you sell like 5 products..... What is most strange is that I have no idea why incomedia wound not implement this primitive and basic feature......