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Luis S.
Luis S.

Iwzip lost, can't create a new project  en

Author: Luis S.
Visited 120, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I have two problems. My projects are gone. The iwzip files are gone, so I can't access my projects. Out of urgency, I tried to create a new project, but when I try to use a template, I get an error saying "Failed to expand shell folder constant userdocs", so I can't do anything!


Tengo dos problemas. Mis proyectos han desaparecido. Los archivos iwzip desaparecieron, así que no puedo acceder a mis proyectos. Por la urgencia, intenté crear un nuevo proyecto, pero cuando intento usar un template, sale un error de "Failed to expand shell folder constant userdocs", así que no puedo hacer nada!

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Stefano G.

Good afternoon Luis

I assume if you check inside the folders that the software by default uses to store projects, you find nothing? Can you check for me?

The folder should look something like:

C:\Users\your username\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Pro

Also, the software has no functionality that allows it to delete IWZIP so if the IWZIP files disappeared, it means something else on the computer must have caused them to disappear or change position. Can you double-check for me?

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.