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Martin Gross
Martin Gross

How rss feed works  en

Author: Martin Gross
Visited 876, Followers 2, Shared 17  
Tags: feed

Hi, I may be stupid, but when I insert a link to a menu item (or picture, etc.), besides options like Website page, File or URL, File or URL with Showbox, etc, there is an option called RSS Feed. The text says: "Show the Websites´s RSS Feed." and below stands "You must have linked an RSS Feed to the Website in the Advanced Settings section."

I have created the RSS Feed in the advanced section and besides this, I also ticked the option to show my Blog as RSS feed.

When I connect the menu item with the RSS Feed, the only thing the browser returns is the code of the XML file.

Could someone please explain to me how exactly this function works?

Thank you

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Michele C.

Hi Martin,

The XML file created by Website is just a file with references to all the content of your website which you wanted to insert on it.

This file is not useful by its own but you can use this file with some external program that are able to read it, see for further information, thank you.

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Posted on the from Michele C.