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Bobby A.
Bobby A.

MP3 Playback stop / start  en

Author: Bobby A.
Visited 1400, Followers 1, Shared 27  

I want the user to click on an individual mp3 and have it play, and when they click on another (in the same page), the first one stops and the new one plays. And all sound stops when the leave the page.

Posted on the
Samantha M.

Hi Bobby!

It is not possible to enable this system automatically. Your clients are going to have to stop the music with the stop/play option and start the new one. The audio file will though stop when the page is closed.

Hope this helps!

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Gregor K.
Gregor K.


ich habe ein Problem,und zwar habe ich etwa 14 mp3 demos hochgeladen.

Diese sind aber nur stark verzögert verfügbar,und nicht wie gewollt sofort!

Wie kann ich das beschleunigen?Mp3 sind doch schon auf dem server geladen.....

Hier der link:



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Posted on the from Gregor K.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


You both need a "Website Music Player" (Google it) to control your playlists and help stream the music from the server.....  Kolasim gave an excellent example of a music player which the X5er asked for. But there are plenty of alternatives out on the net!!

There are flash & HTML5 music players but you still need to know a bit of HTML for it to work in X5!!



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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

ciao, ...grande "cheekyman", ...è un piacere rivederti...SmileWink


... !!! ...

x " Gregor K. " 

... esempio unico in tutto il WEB con la mia "bomba":  Wink

... bella musica...

... dimmi quando ha visto, così elimino la directory...                               - sagen Sie mir,als er sah, so dass ichdas Verzeichnis löschen - (google)      


ps.: ... e qui la nuova "bomba K" x background:  Wink

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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪