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Ray A.
Ray A.

Pictures Not Displaying Correctly When Uploaded  en

Author: Ray A.
Visited 2598, Followers 3, Shared 36  

Hello On my website, I have portfolios of my work. I recently added some new pictures to the "on location" potfolio which had some minor adjustments done in Lightroom & photoshop. When these photos are uploaded they appear without the adjustments. For example i may have warmed the picture up a little but once uploaded this addition is removed and the picture looks cold. I already had some photos up which came out fine when uploaded but new additions are not uploading as they have been saved on my computer. I have tried deleting all photos and the gallery folder on my host server and then reuploading but still the same error. Some of the photos are PNG but most are JPEG (both older and newer photos). Any suggestions please as this is a reflection of my work???? Regards Ray Digital image Photography

Posted on the
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

If you are using v9:

. . . did you read the info provided by Incomedia ? (attached) - and did you have a look to the manual/F1 ?

Changing to HTML5 you possibly have to *adapt* images . . .

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Ray A.
Ray A.

Many thanks for you post Pcssa Denia, however this was a fresh build on V9 as the conversion did not work for me.

I will try changing the file format into PNG or GIF but cannot see how this will make a difference as some saved as JPEG display correctly and others saved as JPEG do not.

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Posted on the from Ray A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Ray delete the entire website OFF your server and do a "FULL" upload!!

That should clear your problem!!

Great foto's my man............

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
Ray A.
Ray A.

Many thanks for the responses and kind comments.

IT STILL DOES NOT WORK! Yell Whenever the photo is put into the list it shows as its original format with the edits. Below is a list of things I have tried.

Uninstall & reinstall programme, created new pages, tried both flash and Java type galleries, saved the file in every known format that V9 will accept, deleted files on server & re-uploaded, removed all files, deleted page and started again. Read manual - no help.

All files display correctly on desktop but as soon as I preview them in V9 and changes to the photo are lost. But this is only one new photos. Older photos imported 3 weeks ago are fine and remain unchanged. All files are originally taken in RAW format and then edited accordingly.

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Posted on the from Ray A.
Ray A.
Ray A.

3rd line down in last post meant to say *without* the edits.

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Posted on the from Ray A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Ray I'll do a remote for you to sort your little problem if you like?

Just email me from my Cyber Cafe below

(Read the Guestbook first if you like)

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

Cheekyman, that would be great for Ray, but could you share the solution with us, also?

This could surely be helpful to others.


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Posted on the from BmT 3000