Email Form footer note language ![en](
Author: Sace WebmasterHi,
I'm using Evolution v9.1.2.1923 in German Language.
I have created a french website and selected FR-francais as language in the main settings.
In an Email form used on this french website, X5 automatically adds a footer note in German at the end of every email: Die in dieser E-Mail enthaltenen Informationen sind ausschließlich für den genannten Empfänger bestimmt.
Sollten Sie diese E-Mail fälschlicherweise erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte umgehend den Absender und löschen Sie die Nachricht, ohne Kopien zu erstellen.
This note should be in the langage selected in the main settings, I think, french in this case.
A workaround is to change this german text into french in the file X5settings.php
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug ?
you can set your own custom footer note in the email in step 4 -> Styles & models -> email tab.
From there if you choose the footer section you are able to edit the message.
Hope this helps