In the search result page, can I display only product list and excluding all the 
Author: Stephen Choa
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In the search result page, can I display only product list and excluding all the "page" result?
Posted on the
I doing online store and I wish my customer only search for my products. Thanks again
The feature you request is not available. The search page will always display results from all around the site, including images and text.
I set this post as "Idea" so we can track it for future upgrades.
Thank you!
There is anothersolutionfor yoursite visitors:
I makeone pagewhereall the productslistedonthe product categoriesin order tofindanythingdirectly.Atipto when thepageis openproductcanalso be searchedusingthesearch functionof the browser,juston thisside.
Actually it is not yet possible. But we'll mark that for a future update too, if it's possible to include that feature.