Double menu - is it problem? 
Author: Marek Madej
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Hi, I have a problem with menu. I want created double menu. On left clasical menu, and on right site similar to left, but with different info.
like this:
Who can help me, please?
Posted on the
ConWX5Evo9es posiblecrear un menú principalen el lado izquierdoyderechosub-menúparacada entrada del menúprincipal.
Si usted quiere unsegundo menúcompletamenteindependientea la derechaestá laoportunidad de crearesto,por ejemplo, comoun objeto de textocon la izquierdao comoun script oHTML.
traducción de Googledel alemán
Mit WX5 evo9 ist es möglich links ein Hauptmenu und rechts ein Untermenu zum jeweiligen Hauptmenu-Eintrag zu erstellen.
Wenn Sie ein zweites völlig unabhängiges Menu rechts wünschen gibt es die Möglichkeit diese z. Bsp. als Text-Objekt mit links oder als script oder html zu erstellen.
I am very interested in knowing the answer to this and is a really good idea and I am in english, can the answer be translated to English please
He's saying you can create a sub-menu in X5 on the right which you know about Ian..... Then he says you have to insert a script or HTML on the right to make a second menu!! :-)
My advice is: Look on the net for JQuery or CSS3 Menus Ian.... Whichever!! You'll have to use HTML on the right in any case!
Hi Frank
Ahh cool, I did think that is how they must of done it, one of them had to be using their own coding and CSS for one of the menu's
Thank you for clearing that up Frank, hope your ok anyway mate
HEY! See you on Facebook matey!
WithWX5evo9it is possibletocreatea main menuon the leftandrightsub-menuforeachmain menuentry.
If you wanta secondcompletely independentmenurightthere is the opportunitytocreatethis, forexampleas a textobjectwiththe left oras ascriptorhtml.
excuse the wronglanguage
google translation