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Jon H.
Jon H.

Running Website X5 Under VMware Fusion  en

Author: Jon H.
Visited 2154, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Dear Forums,

I have been using Website X5 Evolution 8 for a number of years very successfully on a Windows Vista Ultimate laptop PC.

I recently bought a MacBook Pro and I have installed a Windows Vista Virtual Machine on this Mac, using VMware Fusion, so that I can run Vista alongside Mac OS X (Mountain Lion).

I have installed Website X5 on this Vista Virtual Machine and I was hoping to continue using this great Incomedia software on my Mac, just as I did on a windows laptop.

The problem is that I am getting some very strange problems with graphics when trying to test existing websites in this environment.

In essence, images that were previously static are now displayed as a moving image, rolling from the bottom of a page area to the top.

My question is: do any other forum members run Website X5 on a virtual PC within a Mac, and if so do you see the same problem with images as me? Does anyone know if this is even a supported way of running the software?

Appreciate whatever advice you may be able to give me.

Many thanks,


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Claudio D.

Hi Jon,

Try to check the video card settings of the virtual machine and check also all windows updates.

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Jon H.
Jon H.

All windows updates are complete, but will take a look at the video card settings - thanks for the tip.

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Posted on the from Jon H.
Jon H.
Jon H.

Finally had a chance to look at this problem again - all Windows Updates are complete and video card settings checked.

However, I have stumbled across THE SOLUTION!

Somehow, various rows and colums of my existing site pages have had the Rollover Settings>Enable Rollover flag set when importing to the virtual instance of Website X5 running under VMware fusion.

I have been through every affected page area and manually reset Rollover to disable, and this has solved the problem.

I have no idea if this is really even related to the fact that I am running the Incomedia software on a Vista virtual machine....but I'm very relieved to have solved the problem anyway!

Hope this follow-up post might help someone else in the future.


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Posted on the from Jon H.