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D&D Gifts & M.
D&D Gifts & M.

Webshop new feature - sorting options  en

Author: D&D Gifts & M.
Visited 1500, Followers 1, Shared 0  

A nice new feature would be to include sorting options to webshops, available for website visitors, such as sort by price(!!!), name, etc... could be a toolbar-like, customizable extra line above the webshop items with appliable styles.

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D&D Gifts & M.
D&D Gifts & M.

Somebody? No comments? Useful? Not useful?

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Posted on the from D&D Gifts & M.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hi Procont

You're sugestion is okay. But there are so many features that the X5 cart is missing, it's hard to see where to begin. 

Honestly, I don't know if Incomedia is even going to upgrade the X5 Cart with new features. We have been screaming for new features and a more advanced Cart for years now. I even asked them back in times before was made.

Their answer was, and always is:

We cannot give you information about if the features are going to be made or not.

But thats a joke, when we have an awesome product, with no finish and a programming team that dosen't do anything about the requests.

For now, I would suggest you to use a thirdparty Cart, and see if you can impelment it in your X5 project. I know it isn't a good solution because X5 really is a great, great, mega great software, easy to use and so on, but it just seems that they don't care about our needs, or suggestions.

I have read ALOT of suggestions, but none of theese went to be actual features in the program. And by that I mean suggestions like yours: a really great idea for optimizing the Cart. Ofcourse they make updates, but thats usually containing some standard updates, like if theres something thing that needs to be fixed. (Importing producst/Exporting is like hanging together, so I don't see the idea of calling the oppertunity to "Export products" a upgrade) 

I'm not saying that you shouldn't post ideas, but I have myself posted some good ideas for upgrades, and NOTHING happens. Nothing!

I think we should make it more proffitable for the X5 Team, by voting for a new feature, then letting them earn some euros on the update, E.g. letting it cost a bit pr. download. Because lets face it, atm. the updates are taking TOOO D*** LONG! Get in there X5 guys! Listnen to what I say! 

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Posted on the from Henrik Hansen
Piotr D.
Piotr D.

Hi Henrik, I agree with you and I hope your post will help.


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Posted on the from Piotr D.
Tony B.
Tony B.

I agree also.  In fact I have just been reading through the latest posts and there are a number of posts where X5 users are asking about a feature that doesn't exist yet.  Instead of replying back and saying, "that's a good idea, we will add it to the wish list", they just tell US to add it as a Suggestion OR they totally ignore the post completely!

I have commented before on having a published Wish List that people can vote on where the features at the top of the voting list are must to be added to the next update/upgrade.  That suggestion got ignored by Incomedia. 

Unfortunately, the shopping cart on X5 is pitiful.  There are so many FREE online shopping carts that do a better job.  These free carts are constantly updating to add features to compete with other free carts and if you want to pay for them you get a lot more features.  Have a look at the PayPal recommended carts.

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Posted on the from Tony B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

I get the feeling that the Incomediea Techteam consists of one or two guys that is satisfied with the program as is. They clearly don't see the full opportunities whit X5, and then just forgets that there are so many other solutions out there. I really like working with X5 so I don't use other software, but that may change if the program dosen't envolve and gets better. I was looking forward for Version 9 after years with 8. But 9 dosen't have that much new stuff as I thought.. Disappointing! And when we post good ideas, they don't really care. If they did, they would have made some of the features we asked for!!

Moreover we don't have a chance of knowing if our ideas are good or anything, because of the sentence: We cannot give you information about if the features are going to be made or not.

How are we supposed to trust this forum, when nothing ever happens? And we don't get to see what the team actually works on atm.? How do we, the users, get more power to form the program as we want it to be? I am beginning to loose my faith in the Techteam..

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Posted on the from Henrik Hansen
Laszlo T.
Laszlo T.

i agree also with your post´ will be very helpful to know on what "real" updat they work...this was posten often....

let´s wait for the feedback from inco....

and post more!!! it´s hopeful, i think....

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Posted on the from Laszlo T.
Claudio D.


We never ignore your suggestions. All your ideas are taken into consideration for the future releases. A request with more people that asks that supports it has higher priority.

I'm sorry if it seems that we ignore your request but it can confirm you that this is not happening.

Incomedia looks particularly after customer satisfaction and we take careful in consideration all the suggestions made by the users. Daily we dedicate all our efforts to constantly improve our service and products.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Claudio

I understand what you are saying, but that dosen't answer our questions! The answer team gives us the same answer on this issue every time it is bought up! Now we want to know what the team is actually working on, if they are working at all? And why can't we get a clear answer from the techteam on issues such as:

What features are to be released, and when? 

If a feature is declined, why don't they want to make the feature?

Why are simple features taking so long to make?

What can we users do about it?

How can we increase the techteams working efficiency?

Why should we post ideas if nothing happens?

Why do Incomedia make a perfect forum, to just ignore perfect ideas?

Who are the techteam? - How do we interact with them?

How should we believe that we will get a better cart system, when we don't see any changes at all?

Is incomedia interested in being developpers of the best software, or not?


So dear Claudio,

If you can give me some clear answers on theese questions, please reply! If not, don't! I'm sick and tried of excuses from software people!


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Posted on the from Henrik Hansen
Tony B.
Tony B.

Hi Henrik,

I thought I would bump this to the top as you seem to have had no reply from Incomedia to your direct post.

Running a business is not about taking money.  It is about creating a loyal customer base that will support your product or enterprise because you are giving them what they want. 

Unfortunately, the Customer Service that Incomedia provides is next to worthless.  Most of the problems on this forum are either installation problems (which may tell you something about the documentation that comes with Website X5), design issues and are usually solved by other users or discovery that the software cannot do what the user wants it to do.

In our business we would be so grateful if people kept giving us suggestions on how to improve and so make more money!!

It is unfortunate that I have invested time and money in Website X5 that I do not have much choice but to stay with it rather than start all over again with another package.  But one day there will be a product on the market that will be far superior to Website X5 and I will be compelled to reinvest my time and money into that product.  I will suspect the many others will do the same.

Incomedia - Please listen to your still loyal users - give us better support, more update news and better customer service otherwise there will be no one writing on this forum.


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Posted on the from Tony B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Tony

I totally agree with you. I feel stupid when I give away free adwice, just to hit a closed door.

I don't see what Incomedia are up to with their software. I suppose it dosen't get any better than it is, and that is just not good enough at theese times. 

We all have perfect ideas for the development of WSX5, but they wont listnen, and I am, like you, starting to look other ways, and finding other solutions to my clients.

This forum is not a forum at all, it's like you said: technical support for those who have a private webpage, and donsen't need new modules and features.

Therefore it's useless to post ideas. Not one single idea has been implemented in the software since this "forum" was started. Very sad! 

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Posted on the from Henrik Hansen