Error While Project Loading - WebSite X5 Evolution 8 
Author: P. J.
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I am using incomedia X5 for a while now.
A few days ago, i updated my website. Suddenly, my computer shut down.
When i try to update my website now, i get this error: ERROR WHILE PROJECT LOADING.
How can i fix this?
Posted on the
Does it open at all..... If not have you tried a system restore?
It does not open at all. I guess the saved files are damaged...
System restore did not solve my problem.
Hi Jo,
The message "ERROR WHILE PROJECT LOADING" is showed when WebSite X5 is not able to correctly read the IWP project file because it is damaged or corrupted.
In these cases, you can try to access to the backup project (the BWS file) that is automatically created by WebSite X5. To do that you need to copy and rename the backup file first, changing the BWS extension to IWP. Then you should be able to open and to edit the project.
We always suggest you to create regularly different backup copies of your projects just duplicating the IWP file or using the 'Batch files' command.
If the problem is not solved, please, send the project file in attach.
Thank you,
My problem is solved.
Thank you so much!!
You made my day
I have the same problem. I did the steps that you suggested but is not working. I send you attached the file
Hi Markelos S.,
I kindly ask you to open a new post .
This post does refer to version 8.
Thank you very much!
I am using incomedia X5.
I use Evolution 9 new and i update it.
How can i fix this?
I tried the same but did't work too...
Please see the attached file.
У меня установлен Incomedia WebSite X5 9-ой версии. Создал новый проект и сохранил его как подобает. На следующий день включаю опять программу и при попытки открыть проект ( project.iwprj ) выходит такое сообщение: "Этот Проект не может быть открыт, т.к. он был создан в версии webait x5 (7), предшествующей версии 8" Хотя никогда в 7-ой версии не работал
Hello, I have the same problem. I have tried to use backup copy, but the problem does not solve. Would you like to check my iwp file? I cannot post the file here, because it exceeded maximum file size. Thank you.
Hi David,
please send the file at *** and put the name Riccardo/Noemi and the post number 4238 into the e-mail subject.
Thank you,
Thank you for your quick answer. I put the file in the zip and I try to post it here. Thank you very much
Hello again. Is it a chance to recover *.iwp file which I have placed here in attachment? Thank you for answer.
Hi David,
we sent you an e-mail to your e-mail account.
Kind Regards,
Hello, I have received recovered file. Great thanks, you saved my work. Have a nice day.