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Deniz U.
Deniz U.

How To Integrate My Second Language?  en

Author: Deniz U.
Visited 2918, Followers 1, Shared 53  

Hello, I have made a website in Engllish and I want to add another language option for my website. I have seen 2 other posts related to this question but I could not really understand the process I have to follow to upload and integrate it with my other website.



Posted on the
Samantha M.

Hi Deniz!

In order to create a multi-language website, you need to follow these steps:

1- create your 1st website in (ex.english) with a welcome page where you decide the languages you wish to build your website in: ex.

Language:                                               Path:

English                                                    en

Italian                                                      it

2- complete the project and export it (in step 5)

3- start a new project (adjust the english if you wish) without the welcome page, set the general settings - content language into it, for example, and change all the english text into Italian

4- once you are finished, in Step 5, create a new folder with the same name of the file created in the language list (ex. it) and export it.

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Deniz U.
Deniz U.

Dear Samantha,

Thanks for the answer.

In your step 4, to export the 2. language, which alternative do I choose (ie. to load on internet/get to a disc or optimize) so how do  I save it into a new folder? could you please give details on this process?

Thank you very much for your hrlp


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Posted on the from Deniz U.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


After changing the original project to your second language....

Export/Optimize and Batch to Folder choose NO OPTIMIZATION. Then choose custom destination directory as C:\My Language Project (Or similar - You have to put this on C Drive yourself) Then export. You now have two project files on your computer in two languages.

Export this project to your server in a sub-directory......

You have to create a sub-directory (Folder) on your server for the second language....

There is a tutorial on the cafe below for sub-directories!!

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
Fedor O.
Fedor O.

But this way I will have identical pages (exept language). All images will be copied two times to the server in different folders, etc. So when i change something i will have to change it in both places either and the same way. Now imagine 3 or for languages site... A sample modification becomes a little bit complicated! It should exist the way to keep for example same images, but to change only menu buttons and textual descriptions?

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Posted on the from Fedor O.
Samantha M.

It has been set this way so that you have the possibility to customize each website according to your needs. Once you have created each website in a different language you are going to have to change each one you can not change all three at once I'm afraid because they actually are three different websites.

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Posted on the from Samantha M.
Sarah G.
Sarah G.

I have a similar problem with the second language. I have done everything as described above.

Now, when choosing the second language (German - de) on the welcome page, a second welcome pages opens. When choosing "de" again, the page cannot be found. When choosing the first language (English -en), it works! But I do not want a second welcome page (in the German project there is NO welcome page included!!!)

I tried to change the link in the welcome page settings from "de" to "de/home.html". But then the link from the welcome page cannot be found, because there automatically is a / added to the link ("de/home.html/").

Can anybody help?

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Posted on the from Sarah G.
Sarah G.
Sarah G.

I don't know how I've done it, but now it works!

No more comments needed, thank you.

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Posted on the from Sarah G.