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Mrs Donna Kelly
Mrs Donna Kelly

Match The Local Menu Structure To The Target Directory (folder) Structure  en

Author: Mrs Donna Kelly
Visited 3503, Followers 2, Shared 21  

I need to create a simple web site with a main level and a sub level. So, there's a half a dozen pages under the home page, and on menu item that has half a dozen pages under that.

No problem so far . . . but here's the twist: I want all pages on the main level to go into my hosts ..\htdocs directory (folder), and all the pages on the submenu to go into ..\htdocs\secure

(..\htdocs is the default root, and ..\htdocs\secure is the name of a protected subdirectory I've created in the target directory structure - the name is arbitrary)

The reason I want to do this is that I'm using Fasthosts for hosting, and I'm also using their SafeZone facility which is username/password secured for any number of subdirectories (even though right now I'm only using just one).

My question is: how do I get a 1:1 alignment between the local menu structure and the target directory structure?

I tried and failed to use something like secure\subpage1 in the File Name property for one of the subpages. The program choked when it came to the '\'.

FYI, my version of X5 is 8.0.15 Special Edition - it was bundled with a bunch of Corel photo and drawing software.

The attachment shows the X5 Map Creation screen, inset with the directory structure on the web host as my FTP client sees it.  You can see that I want the pages under 'Menu' to go into \htdocs, and the pages under 'Investors' to go into \htdocs\secure

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . as i dont know this free x5-v8 i only can tell that it seems to be *limited* (as the new x5 v9-FREE) - so the *hidden/protected* pages are not allowed . . .

You can try to make TWO projects where the *safe* pages are linked to ./secure-directory . . .

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Mrs Donna Kelly
Mrs Donna Kelly

Thank you for your response. 

First let me say that as far as X5 is concerned, there are no hidden/protected pages.  All the 'protection' is being applied by the hosting company on the exported project.  X5 only sees a main and sub menu structure with a few pages at each level.  All the pages are 'normal'.

To re-iterate: I want the main pages to go into a target directory, and the sub-pages to go into a sub-directory.  Two export target directories to match the two -level structure of the project.

You say I could make two projects.  I presume you mean one project for the main menu level, and one for the sub level.  On the face of it, this is absurd.  Whoever heard of a website limited to a single level of structure?  However, given that from what you've said, X5 can only manage one menu level per project, please tell me:

How do I split my local project into local two projects (while preserving the standard ../res, ../images etc. target structure, of course, so that both will merge into the required target directory structure).

Does Project A have only the main menu and Project B have only the sub menu? 

Given that I now have two local projects, how then do I link them so that they appear seamless when uploaded?

Looking forward to your answer.  By the way, was the attached .jpg explanation enough for you?  I tried to ensure it had all salient details.

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Posted on the from Mrs Donna Kelly
Mrs Donna Kelly
Mrs Donna Kelly

To anyone following this . . . please see the associated Problem.  Here's the short version:

Anyway, I'd like to consider this issue closed as I've resolved the issue.  It was as simple as manually editing the generated HTML and JScript.

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Posted on the from Mrs Donna Kelly
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Been doing this web building for nearly two decades and would very much like to see your solution Donna especially using X5. Because you'd have to be a dam good programmer to do what you have described!!

Can you give us the website to view plz??

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man